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React Draggable Higher Order Component

A set of react hooks, hocs and components used to gain full control on DnD process.

Browser realization supports touch and mouse events. Prevents from scrolling only on drag (NOTE: when delay > 0).

Browser basic usage

Package provides a realization of the useDraggable hook, called Draggable, which can be used for simple case scenarios.

import { Draggable } from "react-draggable-hoc";

  <div className="draggable">...</div>

or if you need a handle, use a prop of a functional child component called handleRef as a ref to your handle

import { Draggable } from "react-draggable-hoc";

  {({ handleRef, isDetached }) => (
    <div className={`draggable${isDetached ? " dragged" : ""}`} ref={handleRef}>

Additionally Draggable component supports the following properties:

property name type description
dragProps [required] any Used as a key of the draggable component. Used to attach/re-attach listeners and other manipulations. i.e. it can be used to handle drop by droppable targets.
className = "draggable" string class name
children JSX or functional component Rendered twice: as a node inplace and as a detached element. In case of a functional component handleRef will be passed only for the node inplace
postProcess = defaultPostProcessor (drag props, ref) Used to inject custom properties into drag props. Useful for changes in positioning
detachDelta = 20 number A delta that is used to detach (influences isDetached for functional children)
delay = 30 number A delay in ms. If a move event is fired within a delay, from the moment the drag is started, the drag will be canceled.
detachedParent = document.body HTMLNode HTML node, where the detached element will be rendered
onDragStart () => any A function fired when the drag is started (after delay)
onDragEnd () => any A function fired when the drag is finished
throttleMs = 10 number Throttling in ms. If equal to 0, throttling is disabled
disabled = false Boolean Flag for disabling draggability

If you want the node to be dragged only inside a container, use DragDropContainer

import { Draggable, DragDropContainer } from "react-draggable-hoc";

    <Draggable />

If you need a droppable target, you can use a realization of DragDropContainer context usage called Droppable with a functional child component.

NOTE: don't forget to provide dragProps to the Draggable.

import { Draggable, DragDropContainer, Droppable } from "react-draggable-hoc";

    <Draggable dragProps="this is a prop that will be passed to onDrop" />
      onDrop={({ dragProps }) => {
        console.log(`Dropped: ${dragProps}`);
      {({ isHovered, ref }) => (
        <div className={isHovered ? "hovered" : undefined} ref={ref}>

NOTE: if you use a lot of droppables, optional flag withDragProps of Droppable should be set to false to enhance performance and prevent re-rendering the element on drag start. To inject dragProps use WithDragProps as a parent of all droppables like this:

import { Draggable, DragDropContainer, Droppable, WithDragProps } from "react-draggable-hoc";

      {({dragProps}) => (
        <Draggable dragProps="this is a prop that will be passed to onDrop" />
          onDrop={({dragProps}) => {
            console.log(`Dropped: ${dragProps}`);
          {({ isHovered, ref }) => (
            <div className={isHovered ? "hovered" : undefined} ref={ref}>
              {dragProps ? "Drop it here" : null}

Nested (with respect to HTML DOM) droppables are supported from the box.

NOTE: when droppables are not nested from DOM perspective but nodes overlap should be handled, one can utilize priority prop/setting.

Browser advanced usage

While all of the above implementation are helpful to achieve fast results, the main purpose of the packase is provide capabilites to implement draggable components in just a couple of lines of code. For this purpose a useDraggable should be used

import { useDraggable } form "react-draggable-hoc"

function MyDraggable({dragProps}) {
    const ref = React.useRef();  // create a reference for the DOM node
    const { isDragged, deltaX, deltaY, state, container } = useDraggable(
          delay: 100, // mobile browsers can trigger text selection for big values, small values are useful when a parent is scrollable
          onDragStart: (state) => {},
          onDrag: (state) => {},
          onDrop: (state) => {},
          onDelayedDrag: (state) => {},
          onDragCancel: (state) => {},
          disabled: false,

    return (
                // add drag deltas to the DOM node position
                isDragged ? {
                    transform: `translate3d(${deltaX}px, ${deltaY}px, 0)`
                } : undefined

If instead you need a component that will handle situations, when smth is dropped on it, you might use a useDroppable

(NOTE: works only for draggables with dragProps)

import { useDroppable } form "react-draggable-hoc"

function MyDropable({doSmthOnDrop}) {
    const ref = React.useRef();  // create a reference for the DOM node
    const { isHovered } = useDroppable(
          method: (state, ref, defaultMethod),
          onDrop: (state) => {
            if (typeof doSmthOnDrop === "function") {
          disabled = false

    return (
              isHovered ? {
                  color: "red"
              } : undefined

if you need to enforce update on dragProps change during drag start, drop or drag cancel you can use useDragProps hook

import { useDragProps } form "react-draggable-hoc"

function MyComponent() {
  const dragProps = useDragProps({disabled: false});


or a synthetic sugar called WithDragProps, which is a Component wrapper of the useDragProps with functional children.

Most of the hooks lifecycle methods take state as a parameter. It represents the state of the Dnd observer events cache and calculated values:

interface ISharedState<T, E, N> {
  dragProps: T; // dragProps of the current draggable
  cancel: () => void; // helper method to cancel the drag
  initial?: { x: number; y: number; event: E }; // drag start cache
  current?: { x: number; y: number; event: E }; // cache of the current event
  history: { x: number; y: number; event: E }[]; // dnd history
  deltaX: number; // change of the pageX during Dnd
  deltaY: number; // change of the pageY during Dnd
  node: N; // dragged element
  wasDetached: Boolean; // if at least one drag event was fired (useful for detecting click events)

Browser's HtmlDndObserver additionally provides a getter for elementsFromPoint, which can be useful in droppable's hover method implementation.

export interface IHtmlDndObserverState<T>
  extends ISharedState<T, DndEvent, HTMLElement> {
  readonly elementsFromPoint: Element[];

Experimental features

Currently, context observer supports changing dragProps on the fly. It can be used in cases when a pointerdown produces DOM modifications and a new element, that should be considered dragged, is created. But due to component lifecycle with hooks, swapping dragProps should be done in useEffect hook or before the DOM is rendered/created.

Ninja usage

The whole idea behind the library was to create a single realization to quickly handle both touch and mouse devices in cases when a developer needs full controll of the Dnd elements. Therefore an implementation of the Browser Dnd Observer was written. Hooks are only a synthetic sugar around this implementation.

Hooks utilize DragContext (React context API) behind the curtains, which injects the following observer

// drag phases
type DnDPhases =
  | "dragStart"
  | "drag"
  | "cancel"
  | "drop"
  | "delayedDrag"
  | "dragPropsChange";

interface IDndObserver<T, E, N> {
    node: N,
    config?: {
      delay?: number;
      dragProps?: T;
      onDragStart?: (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void;
      onDelayedDrag?: (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void;
      onDrop?: (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void;
      onDrag?: (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void;
      onDragCancel?: (...args: any) => void;
  ): () => void; // make an element draggable, returns a function to destroy the draggable.
  init(): void; // lazy initialization (auto performed when makeDraggable is used)
  destroy(): void; // lazy destruction
  cancel(): void;

  dragProps?: T;
  dragged?: N;
  wasDetached: Boolean;
  history: ISharedState<T, E, N>["history"];

  on: PubSub<DnDPhases, (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void>["on"]; // subscribe a listener to Dnd phase
  off: PubSub<DnDPhases, (state: ISharedState<T, E, N>) => void>["off"]; // unsubscribe a listener from Dnd phase

  // calculated shared state
  readonly state: ISharedState<T, E, N>;

NOTE: dragPropsChange is currently an experimental feature.

The interface does not depend on the browser API and can be implemented for other platform usage.

Thus, a vanila js implementation of a draggable Node might look like:

const observer = HtmlDndObserver();
const draggable = document.getElementById(draggableId);
// attach to dragStart events (mousedown, touchstart) on the HTMLElement
const destroyDraggable = observer.makeDraggable(draggable, {
  onDrag: ({ deltaX, deltaY }) => { = `translate3d(${deltaX}px, ${deltaY}px, 0)`;
  onDrop: () => { = "initial";
const droppable = document.getElementById(droppableId);
const onDrop = state => {
  if (droppable.contains( {
    console.log(`Dropped ${state.dragProps} on droppable`);
const destroyOnDropListener = observer.on("drop", onDrop);

// finally, a cleanup example
destroyOnDropListener(); // or"drop", onDrop);

Or, if you can't use hooks, but only a class is available for you

import { withDndContext, DragContext } from "react-draggable-hoc";

const MyComponentWithDndContext = withDndContext(DragContext)(
  class MyComponent extends React.Component<{ dragProps: any }> {
    componentDidMount() {
      this.destroy =, {
        dragProps: this.props.dragProps,

    componentWillUnmount() {
      this.destroy(); // this is actually not necessary, since the node will be removed anyway.

    render() {
      <div ref={(c) => (this.c = c)} />;



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