OTP Bank
- Detroit, MI USA
dive Public
Forked from wagoodman/diveA tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
Go MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2022 -
guide Public
Forked from uber-go/guideThe Uber Go Style Guide.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 10, 2022 -
nuclei Public
Forked from projectdiscovery/nucleiNuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted vulnerability scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use.
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 9, 2021 -
kubeview Public
Forked from benc-uk/kubeviewKubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
Vue MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2021 -
papers-we-love Public
Forked from papers-we-love/papers-we-lovePapers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
Shell UpdatedApr 17, 2021 -
istio-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/istio-samplesIstio demos and sample applications for GCP
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 26, 2020 -
riak-erlang-client Public
Forked from basho/riak-erlang-clientThe Riak client for Erlang.
Erlang Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
local-cluster Public
Forked from whitfin/local-clusterEasy local cluster creation for Elixir to aid in unit testing
Elixir MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2020 -
service-mesh-istio Public
Forked from apssouza22/service-mesh-istioA service mesh example using Istio
UpdatedFeb 28, 2020 -
ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes Public
Forked from lukes/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-CodesISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 7, 2020 -
beam-wisdoms Public
Forked from kvakvs/beam-wisdomsWiki containing pieces of information and knowledge about BEAM Virtual machine (which runs Erlang/OTP and other BEAM-based languages).
MIT License UpdatedOct 28, 2019 -
terraform_ecs_fargate_example Public
Forked from duduribeiro/terraform_ecs_fargate_exampleExample used on my post about ECS Fargate
HCL Other UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
recipes Public
Forked from k8s-cookbook/recipesKubernetes Cookbook
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
event-sourcing-microservices-example Public
Forked from kbastani/event-sourcing-microservices-exampleLearn about building microservices with event sourcing using Spring Boot and how to deploy a social network to Kubernetes using Docker Compose or Helm.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
js-algorithms Public
Forked from duereg/js-algorithmsJavascript versions of classic software development algorithms
JavaScript UpdatedJan 15, 2019 -
gluegun Public
Forked from infinitered/gluegunA delightful toolkit for building Node-powered CLIs.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 20, 2018 -
javascript-algorithms Public
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
vscode-recipes Public
Forked from microsoft/vscode-recipesJavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2018 -