Reproducible Research requires fou4 sets of skills:
You can review my discussion of toolbox and skillset of reproducible research in slides and videoes here
Links grouped by the skillset.
- Introduction to data cleaning in R, a discussion paper by Edwin de Jonge and Mark van der Loo.
- Winston Chang's R Graphics Cookbook is a perfect book to get you started with producing graphs with RStudio.
- ggplots for publication.
- working with multiple plots examples
- regressing "x on y" or "x on y"?
- Doug Bates on statistical modeling with Julia(video
- Introduction to dplyr the official vignette of the package.
- Tutorials for the dplyr package in R by Kevin Markham
- A work-along scripts following Wickham's Tidy data paper, but re-doing it in dplyr.
- Comparing functions stats::lm() vs stats::glm()
- lme4::lmer()
- Comparing functions nlme::gls() vs. nlme::lme()
- GitHub cheat sheet by Kevin Markham. All issues have screen-shots. More resources in the README after the link.
- Git quick reference for beginners by Kevin Markham
in-browser markdown simulator, created in javascript by Jeroen Ooms. Great for playing with markdown formatting and doing simple tasks and demonstrations in R without installation.
markdown in R : a blog entry on getting started with rmarkdown - a version of markdown enhanced for the use with RStudio. By Jeromy Anglim.
markdown guide : a well-written "breaking into" guide. Gives ample verbal description. Recommended for newbies. By John Gruber.
markdown cheat-sheet : brief, simple, parallel view of what the code is doing. By Mashery group.
another markdown simulator with a different feel. You can't run R script in here, but it's good for understanding the formatting. Give a link to a decent cheatsheet on markdown.
MultiMarkdown allows for mathematical formulas and other features
- see the official documentation by RStudio, best starting point IMHO
- RStudio provides a native format for creating presentations - .Rpres, availible in the "New file" option. For a quick start with .Rpres see this article
- Highcharts point and click implementation for sharing interactive graphs.