This role is used to manage bind configuration on my server. I run bind inside a container I build from debian image.
It's a very basic image as it only install bind and prepare the mounted /data to match /etc/bind & such.
I'll push this container repo ASAP.
However, this role is meant to be used with non-containerized environment.
The first task include a file named "secret_vars.yml"
This file includes these variables, you must set your own file in order proper fonction of the role.
public_ip_addr: "{{ipify_public_ip}}" # Yes, it's a shortcut for A record in my case
ip_router: # eg. used as forwarder
- name: gandi-net
- name: example-org
You need to prepare your own vars file for bind, named as your wish, e.g. the name of the server.
There is a template of this file in vars/example_vars.yml
You also need to prepare you own secret_vars.yml
(can be vaulted too).
Place them in roles/bind/vars/
, they will be loaded with:
- name: Include vars files, see for full list
include_vars: "{{item}}"
tags: always
If using docker_compose with dto/bind9 image, extra var e_use_docker_compose
should be set to True.
If set to False, bind9 will be installed via package manager (Debian only for now)
You might want to set your extra vars inside your deploy_bind.yml
- name: Deploy bind on server 1 within docker
hosts: server1
gather_facts: yes
- { role: bind, e_bind_vars_file: server1_vars.yml, e_use_docker_compose: True }
- name: Deploy bind on server 2
hosts: server2
gather_facts: yes
- { role: bind, e_bind_vars_file: example_vars.yml, e_use_docker_compose: False }