stdlib Public
Forked from gleam-lang/stdlib🎁 Gleam's standard library
Gleam Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 29, 2023 -
exhort Public
Forked from elixir-or-tools/exhortExperimental Elixir interface to Google's OR Tools
Elixir Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2022 -
horde Public
Forked from derekkraan/hordeHorde is a distributed Supervisor and Registry backed by DeltaCrdt
Elixir MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2022 -
surface_bulma Public
Forked from surface-ui/surface_bulmaA set of simple Surface components based on Bulma
Elixir MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2021 -
elixir-1 Public
Forked from exercism/elixirExercism exercises in Elixir.
Elixir MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2021 -
broadway_kafka Public
Forked from dashbitco/broadway_kafkaA Broadway producer for Kafka
Elixir UpdatedJan 23, 2020 -
broadway Public
Forked from dashbitco/broadwayConcurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir
Elixir UpdatedNov 29, 2019 -
active_merchant Public
Forked from activemerchant/active_merchantActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user …
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2019 -
elixir Public
Forked from elixir-lang/elixirElixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
Elixir Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 18, 2018 -
basho_docs Public
Forked from basho/basho_docsBasho Products Documentation
CSS Other UpdatedAug 11, 2017 -
exgen Public
Forked from rwdaigle/exgenA templating library for generating reusable Elixir projects
Elixir UpdatedMar 7, 2017 -
metrix Public
Forked from rwdaigle/metrixElixir library to log custom application metrics, in a well-structured, human and machine readable format, for use by downstream log processing systems (Librato, Reimann, etc...)
Elixir UpdatedDec 30, 2016 -
elixir-mustache Public
Forked from spreedly/elixir-mustacheMustache for Elixir
Elixir UpdatedNov 29, 2016 -
virustotal-erlang Public
Erlang/OTP application for the VirusTotal Public API v2.0
virus_total Public
Elixir OTP application for the VirusTotal Public API v2.0
hackney Public
Forked from benoitc/hackneysimple HTTP client in Erlang
Erlang Other UpdatedOct 24, 2015 -
awesome-erlang Public
Forked from drobakowski/awesome-erlangA curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
UpdatedOct 23, 2015 -
erly Public
A URL shortening service backed by OTP and Mnesia.
erlang_training Public
Forked from chinnurtb/erlang_trainingExcercises for people who're trying to learn Erlang
Erlang Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 24, 2015 -
rmagick Public
Forked from rmagick/rmagickThe official home for RMagick until/if we get access to the original repo
C MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2014 -
unicorn-metrics Public
Forked from TheClimateCorporation/unicorn-metricsA small library to expose application metrics from Rack-based applications using the Unicorn HTTP server
Ruby Other UpdatedMay 17, 2014 -
rubymotion-inspect2014 Public
Forked from OTGApps/rubymotion-inspect2014Official App for the RubyMotion #Inspect 2014 conference in San Francisco - May 28-29, 2014
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2014