Verilator open-source SystemVerilog simulator and lint system
A modern hardware definition language and toolchain based on Python
Using e-graphs to synthesize netlists from boolean logic.
Test suite designed to check compliance with the SystemVerilog standard.
Reusable GitHub Action Workflow to update CIRCT in a downstream project
an experiment to run plugin in firtool pipeline
An SMT dialect for MLIR, to represent SMTLib programs. And tools to interact with SMT solvers.
Flexible Intermediate Representation for RTL
Kami - a DSL for designing Hardware in Coq, and the associated semantics and theorems for proving its correctness. Kami is inspired by Bluespec. It is actually a complete rewrite of an older versio…
A Just-In-Time Compiler for Verilog from VMware Research
Library to compile Chisel circuits using LLVM/MLIR (CIRCT)
Demonstration of a project using sifive/chisel-circt