This repo contains the Puppet classes that are used to define the roles of the
instances in a Magic Castle cluster. The attribution of the roles is done in
. The functioning of the profile classes can be customized
by defined values in the hieradata. The following sections list the available
variables for each profile.
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::accounts:::project_regex |
String | Regex to identify LDAP groups that should also be Slurm accounts | '(ctb|def|rpp|rrg)-[a-z0-9_-]*' |
profile::accounts:::skel_archives |
Array[Struct[{filename => String[1], source => String[1]}]] | List of archives that will be extracted and copied in each FreeIPA user's home folder when first created. | [] |
- filename:
- filename: hss-training-topic-modeling.tar.gz
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::base::version |
String | Current version number of Magic Castle | '12.0.0' |
profile::base::admin_email |
String | Email of the cluster administrator, use to send log and report cluster related issues | undef |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::ceph::share_name |
String | CEPH share name | |
profile::ceph::access_key |
String | CEPH share access key | |
profile::ceph::export_path |
String | Path of the share as exported by the monitors | |
profile::ceph::mon_host |
Array[String] | List of CEPH monitor hostnames | |
profile::ceph::mount_binds |
Array[String] | List of CEPH share folders that will bind mounted under / |
[] |
profile::ceph::mount_name |
String | Name to give to the CEPH share once mounted under /mnt |
'cephfs01' |
profile::ceph::binds_fcontext_equivalence |
String | SELinux file context equivalence for the CEPH share | '/home ' |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::consul::client::server_ip |
String | IP address of the consul server |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::cvmfs::client::quota_limit |
Integer | Instance local cache directory soft quota (MB) | 4096 |
profile::cvmfs::client::initial_profile |
String | Path to shell script initializing software stack environment variables | Depends on the chosen software stack |
profile::cvmfs::client::repositories |
Array[String] | List of CVMFS repositories to mount | Depends on the chosen software stack |
profile::cvmfs::client::alien_cache_repositories |
Array[String] | List of CVMFS repositories that need an alien cache | [] |
profile::cvmfs::client::lmod_default_modules |
Array[String] | List of lmod default modules | Depends on the chosen software stack |
profile::cvmfs::local_user::cvmfs_uid |
Integer | cvmfs user id | 13000004 |
profile::cvmfs::local_user::cvmfs_gid |
Integer | cvmfs group id | 8000131 |
profile::cvmfs::local_user::cvmfs_group |
String | cvmfs group name | 'cvmfs-reserved' |
profile::cvmfs::alien_cache::alien_fs_root |
String | Shared file system where the alien cache will be created | /scratch |
profile::cvmfs::alien_cache::alien_folder_name |
String | Alien cache folder name | cvmfs_alien_cache |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
fail2ban::ignoreip |
Array[String] | List of IP addresses that can never be banned (compatible with CIDR notation) | [] |
fail2ban::service_ensure |
Enum['running', 'stopped'] | Enable fail2ban service | running |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::freeipa::base::domain_name |
String | FreeIPA primary domain | |
profile::freeipa::client::server_ip |
String | FreeIPA server ip address | |
profile::freeipa::mokey::port |
Integer | Mokey internal web server port | 12345 |
profile::freeipa::mokey::enable_user_signup |
Boolean | Allow users to create an account on the cluster | true |
profile::freeipa::mokey::password |
String | Password of Mokey table in MariaDB | |
profile::freeipa::mokey::require_verify_admin |
Boolean | Require a FreeIPA to enable Mokey created account before usage | true |
profile::freeipa::server::admin_password |
String | Password of the FreeIPA admin account | |
profile::freeipa::server::ds_password |
String | Password of the directory server | |
profile::freeipa::server::hbac_services |
Array[String] | Name of services to control with HBAC rules | ['sshd', 'jupyterhub-login'] |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::mfa::provider |
Enum['none', 'duo'] | MFA provider for node tagged 'mfa' | 'none' |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
duo_unix::usage |
String | Either login or pam | login |
duo_unix::ikey |
String | Duo integration | '' |
duo_unix::skey |
String | Duo secret key | '' |
duo_unix::host |
String | Duo api host | '' |
duo_unix::motd |
String | Enable motd | no |
duo_unix::failmode |
String | Failure mode, secure or safe | safe |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::nfs::client::server_ip |
String | IP address of the NFS server | undef |
profile::nfs::server::devices |
Variant[String, Hash[String, Array[String]]] | Mapping between NFS share and devices to export. Generated automatically with Terraform data |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::reverse_proxy::domain_name |
String | Domain name corresponding to the main DNS record A registered | |
profile::reverse_proxy::jupyterhub_subdomain |
String | Subdomain name used to create the vhost for JupyterHub | jupyter |
profile::reverse_proxy::ipa_subdomain |
String | Subdomain name used to create the vhost for FreeIPA | ipa |
profile::reverse_proxy::mokey_subdomain |
String | Subdomain name used to create the vhost for Mokey | mokey |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::slurm::base::cluster_name |
String | Name of the cluster | |
profile::slurm::base::munge_key |
String | Base64 encoded Munge key | |
profile::slurm::base::slurm_version |
Enum[20.11, 21.08, 22.05] | Slurm version to install | 21.08 |
profile::slurm::base::os_reserved_memory |
Integer | Quantity of memory in MB reserved for the operating system on the compute nodes | 512 |
profile::slurm::base::suspend_time |
Integer | Nodes becomes eligible for suspension after being idle for this number of seconds. | 3600 |
profile::slurm::base::resume_timeout |
Integer | Maximum time permitted (in seconds) between when a node resume request is issued and when the node is actually available for use. | 3600 |
profile::slurm::base::force_slurm_in_path |
Boolean | When enabled, all users (local and LDAP) will have slurm binaries in their PATH | false |
profile::slurm::base::enable_x11_forwarding |
Boolean | Enable Slurm's built-in X11 forwarding capabilities | true |
profile::slurm::accounting::password |
String | Password used by for SlurmDBD to connect to MariaDB | |
profile::slurm::accounting::dbd_port |
Integer | SlurmDBD service listening port | |
profile::slurm::controller::selinux_context |
String | SELinux context for jobs (used only with Slurm >= 21.08) | user_u:user_r:user_t:s0 |
profile::slurm::controller::tfe_token |
String | Terraform Cloud API Token. Required to enable autoscaling. | '' |
profile::slurm::controller::tfe_workspace |
String | Terraform Cloud workspace id. Required to enable autoscaling. | '' |
profile::slurm::controller::tfe_var_pool |
String | Named of the variable in Terraform Cloud workspace to control compute node pool | 'pool' |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::squid::port |
Integer | Squid service listening port | 3128 |
profile::squid::cache_size |
Integer | Amount of disk space (MB) that can be used by Squid service | 4096 |
profile::squid::cvmfs_acl_regex |
Array[String] | List of regexes corresponding to CVMFS stratum users are allowed to access | ['^(cvmfs-.*\.computecanada\.ca)$', '^(.*-cvmfs\.openhtc\.io)$', '^(cvmfs-.*\.genap\.ca)$'] |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::sssd::domains |
Hash | Dictionary of domain-config which can authenticate on the cluster | {} |
profile::sssd::access_tags |
Array[String] | List of host tags that domain user can connect to | ['login', 'node'] |
profile::sssd::deny_access |
Optional[Boolean] | Deny access to the domains on the host including this class, if undef, the access is defined by tags. | undef |
Variable | Type | Description | Default |
profile::users::ldap::users |
Hash[Hash] | Dictionary of users to be created in LDAP | |
profile::users::ldap::access_tags |
Array[String] | List of string of the form 'tag:service' that LDAP user can connect to |
['login:sshd', 'node:sshd', 'proxy:jupyterhub-login'] |
profile::users::local::users |
Hash[Hash] | Dictionary of users to be created locally |
A batch of 10 LDAP users, user01 to user10, can be defined in hieradata as:
count: 10
groups: ['def-sponsor00']
A single LDAP user can be defined as:
groups: ['def-sponsor00']
public_keys: ['ssh-rsa ... user@local', 'ssh-ecdsa ...']
By default, Puppet will manage the LDAP user(s) password and change it in ldap if it no
longer corresponds to what is prescribed in the hieradata. To disable this feature, add
manage_password: false
to the user(s) definition.
A local user bob
can be defined in hieradata as:
groups: ['group1', 'group2']
public_keys: ['ssh-rsa...', 'ssh-dsa']
# sudoer: false
# selinux_user: 'unconfined_u'
# mls_range: ''s0-s0:c0.c1023'