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I wrote this because I could not find similar behavior in Vue, but later found it in the docs. The terms to look for are "provide" and "inject" in Vue.


Provide implicit context to components further down the tree. Similar to context in React. See their docs for rational.

How to use

Install the vue-ctx package from NPM and include it in your project with Vue.use

import { VueCtx } from 'vue-ctx';


ProvideContext component

You can use the ProvideContext component in any component. You will likely want it on one of your higher level components. Values can be provided one of two ways.

  • Single name and value <ProvideContext name="foo" :value="2">
  • Object of multiple values <ProvideContext :values="{foo: 2, hello: 'world'}">

Values provided to the context are merged with contexts higher up the chain. Values lower down the chain will override values from higher up in their context.

ProvideContext may have any number of children, but it will insert a <div> tag with the class vue-ctx-container, if there is not exactly 1 child. It is recommended to do so. If 1 child is provided, it will not add any additional elements to the DOM. If you would like to customize the generated <div>, you can instead wrap the children of ProvideContext in an element with the desired customizations.

$ctx method

All components also have a $ctx method. This method returns values from the context. It can be used in component templates or in the script by using this.$ctx.

The value returned depends on the number of arguments passed.

$ctx()              // Returns the merged context object
$ctx(name)          // Returns the value by the given name, if not found, it returns undefined.
$ctx(name, fallbck) // Returns the value by the given name, if not found, it returns the fallback.


Vue plugin that provides React-like context.






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