Create your discord bot by using TypeScript and decorators!
This module is built on discord.js
, so the internal behavior (methods, properties, ...) is the same.
Use npm
or yarn
to install typeit/discord
with the peer dependecies (discord.js
npm i @typeit/discord discord.js
you must install reflect-metadata
for the decorators and import it at your entry point
npm i reflect-metadata
import "reflect-metadata";
// start ...
Your tsconfig.json should look like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es2017",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "build",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"declaration": true,
"importHelpers": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"lib": [
"moduleResolution": "node"
"exclude": [
So we start with an empty class (abstract is not necessary but this is more type-safe, the class shouldn't be initialized).
abstract class AppDiscord {
Then you must declare it as a Discord app class with the @Discord
decorator :
import { Discord } from "@typeit/discord";
@Discord() // Decorate the class
abstract class AppDiscord {
We can now declare methods that will be executed whenever a Discord event is triggered.
Our methods must be decorated with the @On(event: string)
or @Once(event: string)
When the event is triggered, the method is called and we receive the values (in arguments) related to the event.
Here, we receive the message instance (details below) :
import { Discord, On } from "@typeit/discord";
abstract class AppDiscord {
private onMessage(message: Message) {
// ...
In order to start your application, you must use the DiscordTS Client
(not the client that is provided by discord.js!).
It works the same as the discord.js's Client (same methods, properties, ...) but the login
method is overriden and you can set the silent
property (into Client
initialization) in order to not log anything in the console.
// Use the Client that are provided by @typeit/discord NOT discord.js
import { Client } from "@typeit/discord";
function start() {
const client = new Client();
`${__dirname}/*Discord.ts` // glob string to load the classes
You will also receive the client instance always as the last payload:
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
abstract class AppDiscord {
private onMessage(
message: Message,
client: Client // Client instance injected here
) {
// ...
You can simply use the @Command
and @CommandNotFound
decorators to implement a command system in your app.
When you use the @Command
or the @CommandNotFound
decorator, you should type your first parameters as a CommandMessage
. It provides the command parameters, the prefix, and the command (specified here).
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
@Discord({ prefix: "!" })
abstract class AppDiscord {
private hello(
message: CommandMessage,
client: Client
) {
// ...
private notFound(
message: CommandMessage,
client: Client
) {
// ...
You can specify the prefix
and the commandCaseSensitive
on the @Discord
and @Command
params (you can specify only the prefix of @CommandNotFound
). The params on the @Command
will override those of @Discord
The @Command
decorator also have a description
parameter and an infos
one. The description one is useful if you have an help command to display the command description. The infos
one can store anything you want.
If you use different prefixes or case sensitivity, I recommend implementing multiple classes decorated by the @Discord
parameter using different prefixes/case sensitivity, like the multipleDiscordInstances example.
But here is an example for the different params:
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
@Discord({ prefix: "!", commandCaseSensitive: true })
abstract class AppDiscord {
// Executed using the !HELLO command
private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
// ...
// Executed if a command with the prefix "!" isn't found
private notFound(message: CommandMessage) {
// ...
// Executed using the .helloDot command
@Command("helloDot", { prefix: "." })
private helloDot(message: CommandMessage) {
// ...
// Executed if a command with the prefix "." isn't found
@CommandNotFound({ prefix: "." })
private notFoundDot(message: CommandMessage) {
// ...
// Executed using 0ab, 0Ab, 0aB or 0AB
@Command("ab", { prefix: "0" })
private ab(message: CommandMessage) {
// ...
You can simply get all the commands and their details using Client.getCommands<InfoType>(forPrefix?: string): ICommandInfos[]
If you specify no prefix for the
parameter, you will receive the details of all the commands.
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
interface Infos {
requiredRole: string;
@Discord({ prefix: "!" })
abstract class AppDiscord {
@Command("hello", {
description: "The command simply say hello",
infos: { requiredRole: "master" }
private hello(
message: CommandMessage,
client: Client
) {
// ...
private hello(
message: CommandMessage,
client: Client
) {
// You receive all the commands prefixed by "!"
const commands = Client.getCommands<Infos>("!");
// ...
private notFound(
message: CommandMessage,
client: Client
) {
// ...
If you are forced to change the prefix during the execution or if it's loaded from a file when your app start, you can use two methods (it returns true
if the params changed):
Client.setDiscordParams(discordInstance: InstanceType<any>, params: IDiscordParams): boolean
Client.setCommandParams(discordInstance InstanceType<any>, method: Function, params: ICommandParams): boolean
I recommend not specifying the prefix inside the decorator if you use one of these two methods because it wouldn't be consistent
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
@Discord({ prefix: "!" })
abstract class AppDiscord {
private prefix(message: CommandMessage) {
// Will change the prefix of all the @Command methods of this @Discord instance
Client.setDiscordParams(this, {
prefix: message.params[0]
private changeMyPrefix(message: CommandMessage) {
// Will change the prefix of the changeMyPrefix method
Client.setCommandParams(this, this.changeMyPrefix, {
prefix: message.params[0]
Guards works also with
You can use functions that are executed before your event to determine if it's executed. For example, if you want to apply a prefix to the messages, you can simply use the @Guard
(The Prefix
function is provided by the @typeit/discord
package, where you can import it)
import {
} from "@typeit/discord";
import {
} from "discord.js";
import {
} from "./NotBot";
abstract class AppDiscord {
NotBot, // You can use multiple guard functions, they are excuted in the same order!
async onMessage(message: Message) {
switch (message.content.toLowerCase()) {
case "hello":
message.reply("Command not found");
Here is a simple example of a guard function (the payload and the client instance are injected like for events)
- If the function returns
: the next guards and the event function aren't executed - If the function returns
: it continues the executions of the next guards
import { Client } from "typeit/discord";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
export function NotBot(message: Message, client: Client) {
return !==;
If you have to indicate parameters for a guard function (like for the Prefix
guard) you can simple use the "function that returns a function" pattern like this:
import { Client } from "typeit/discord";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
export function Prefix(text: string, replace: boolean = true) {
return (message: Message, client: Client) => {
const startWith = message.content.startsWith(text);
if (replace) {
message.content = message.content.replace(text, "");
return startWith;
Here you have the details about the payloads that are injected into the method related to a specific event.
Be aware that the types must be imported from discord.js (except for Client
In this example of the event "channelUpdate"
, we receive two payloads from the event :
abstract class AppDiscord {
private onChannelUpdate(
oldChannel: Channel, // first one
newChannel: Channel // second one
) {
// ...
(Works for @Once(event: string)
on(event: 'channelCreate', listener: (channel: Channel) => void);
on(event: 'channelDelete', listener: (channel: Channel) => void);
on(event: 'channelPinsUpdate', listener: (channel: Channel, time: Date) => void);
on(event: 'channelUpdate', listener: (oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel) => void);
on(event: 'clientUserGuildSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserGuildSettings: ClientUserGuildSettings) => void);
on(event: 'clientUserSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserSettings: ClientUserSettings) => void);
on(event: 'debug', listener: (info: string) => void);
on(event: 'disconnect', listener: (event: any) => void);
on(event: 'emojiCreate', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void);
on(event: 'emojiDelete', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void);
on(event: 'emojiUpdate', listener: (oldEmoji: Emoji, newEmoji: Emoji) => void);
on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void);
on(event: 'guildBanAdd', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'guildBanRemove', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'guildCreate', listener: (guild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'guildDelete', listener: (guild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'guildMemberAdd', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'guildMemberAvailable', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'guildMemberRemove', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'guildMembersChunk', listener: (members: GuildMember[], guild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'guildMemberSpeaking', listener: (member: GuildMember, speaking: boolean) => void);
on(event: 'guildMemberUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'guildUnavailable', listener: (guild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'guildUpdate', listener: (oldGuild: Guild, newGuild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'guildIntegrationsUpdate', listener: (guild: Guild) => void);
on(event: 'message', listener: (message: Message) => void);
on(event: 'messageDelete', listener: (message: Message) => void);
on(event: 'messageDeleteBulk', listener: (messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>) => void);
on(event: 'messageReactionAdd', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'messageReactionRemove', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'messageReactionRemoveAll', listener: (message: Message) => void);
on(event: 'messageUpdate', listener: (oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message) => void);
on(event: 'presenceUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'rateLimit', listener: (rateLimit: RateLimitInfo) => void);
on(event: 'ready', listener: () => void);
on(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void);
on(event: 'resume', listener: (replayed: number) => void);
on(event: 'roleCreate', listener: (role: Role) => void);
on(event: 'roleDelete', listener: (role: Role) => void);
on(event: 'roleUpdate', listener: (oldRole: Role, newRole: Role) => void);
on(event: 'typingStart', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'typingStop', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void);
on(event: 'userNoteUpdate', listener: (user: UserResolvable, oldNote: string, newNote: string) => void);
on(event: 'userUpdate', listener: (oldUser: User, newUser: User) => void);
on(event: 'voiceStateUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void);
on(event: 'warn', listener: (info: string) => void);
on(event: 'webhookUpdate', listener: (channel: TextChannel) => void);
on(event: string, listener: Function);
An example is provided in the /examples
folder !
You should just add parenthesis after the @Discord
decorator, everywhere in your app.
@Discord class X
should now be @Discord() class X