Allows you to easily define and render Open Graph Protocol metadata within your ActiveRecord model definition.
rails plugin install git://
In your model: Create a map of Open Graph Protocol values with your model’s fields or methods
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
has_fb_opengraph :type => ‘movie’, :title => :title, :description => :description
In your layout: Create a yield block for the meta tags (I’d recommend using :fb_opengraph for conventions)
<head> … <%= yield :fb_opengraph %> … </head> …
In the view: Create a content_for block to render the Open Graph meta tags
<% content_for :fb_opengraph do %> <%= raw @movie.fb_opengraph_meta_tags(:url => movie_url(@movie)) %> <% end %>
Copyright © 2010 Andrew Angelo Ang, released under the MIT license