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Clockwork Cult Defenses Patch - Leader role, traps and wiring, hulk a…
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…nd mech soft-counters, +more (tgstation#32935)

* Adds the Eminence

* New abilities and a command system

* More stuff

* I did something in this commit but I dunno what

* Beginning work on trap setups

* This is good for now until arm gets his sprites

* I did something here!

* Manacle sprites

* R.I.P. R&D

* Maintainer review

* QoL, slabbin' it up

* Conflicts

* Conflicts

* <

* Now it compiles!


* TGUI, again

* 🥝

* that should be all, but I'll do some quick testing...

* aha!
  • Loading branch information
Ashe Higgs authored and optimumtact committed Dec 6, 2017
1 parent 8359708 commit 32c68a6
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Showing 43 changed files with 1,122 additions and 401 deletions.
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions _maps/map_files/generic/City_of_Cogs.dmm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,6 +300,10 @@
"bj" = (

(1,1,1) = {"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31739,7 +31743,7 @@ aj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31996,7 +32000,7 @@ aj
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15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions code/__DEFINES/
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
//component id defines
#define BELLIGERENT_EYE "belligerent_eye"
#define VANGUARD_COGWHEEL "vanguard_cogwheel"
#define GEIS_CAPACITOR "geis_capacitor"
//component id defines; sometimes these may not make sense in regards to their use in scripture but important ones are bright
#define BELLIGERENT_EYE "belligerent_eye" //Use this for offensive and damaging scripture!
#define VANGUARD_COGWHEEL "vanguard_cogwheel" //Use this for defensive and healing scripture!
#define GEIS_CAPACITOR "geis_capacitor" //Use this for niche scripture!
#define REPLICANT_ALLOY "replicant_alloy"
#define HIEROPHANT_ANSIBLE "hierophant_ansible"
#define HIEROPHANT_ANSIBLE "hierophant_ansible" //Use this for construction-related scripture!

GLOBAL_VAR_INIT(clockwork_construction_value, 0) //The total value of all structures built by the clockwork cult
GLOBAL_VAR_INIT(clockwork_caches, 0) //How many clockwork caches exist in the world (not each individual)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(all_scripture) //a list containing scripture instances; not us
//Objective text define
#define CLOCKCULT_OBJECTIVE "Construct the Ark of the Clockwork Justicar and free Ratvar."

//Eminence defines
#define SUPERHEATED_CLOCKWORK_WALL_LIMIT 20 //How many walls can be superheated at once

//misc clockcult stuff

#define SIGIL_ACCESS_RANGE 2 //range at which transmission sigils can access power
Expand All @@ -86,3 +89,5 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(all_scripture) //a list containing scripture instances; not us
#define MARAUDER_SCRIPTURE_SCALING_TIME 50 //The amount of extra deciseconds tacked on to the marauder scripture recital time per recent marauder

#define MARAUDER_SCRIPTURE_SCALING_MAX 300 //The maximum extra time applied to the marauder scripture

#define ARK_SCREAM_COOLDOWN 600 //This much time has to pass between instances of the Ark taking damage before it will "scream" again
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions code/__DEFINES/
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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,8 @@

#define iscameramob(A) (istype(A, /mob/camera))

#define iseminence(A) (istype(A, /mob/camera/eminence))

#define isobj(A) istype(A, /obj) //override the byond proc because it returns true on children of /atom/movable that aren't objs

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions code/__HELPERS/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1510,3 +1510,10 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM_INIT(dview_mob, /mob/dview, new)
return "\[[url_encode(thing.tag)]\]"
return "\ref[input]"

//Returns a list of all servants of Ratvar and observers.
. = list()
for(var/V in GLOB.player_list)
if(is_servant_of_ratvar(V) || isobserver(V))
. += V
18 changes: 5 additions & 13 deletions code/_onclick/hud/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,23 +388,15 @@ or shoot a gun to move around via Newton's 3rd Law of Motion."
desc = "<font size=3><b>CHETR<br>NYY<br>HAGEHUGF-NAQ-UBABE<br>RATVAR.</b></font>"
var/servants = 0
var/validservants = 0
for(var/mob/living/L in GLOB.alive_mob_list)
if(ishuman(L) || issilicon(L))
if(servants > 1)
if(validservants > 1)
textlist = list("<b>[servants]</b> Servants, <b>[validservants]</b> of which count towards scripture.<br>")
textlist = list("<b>[servants]</b> Servants, [validservants ? "<b>[validservants]</b> of which counts":"none of which count"] towards scripture.<br>")
textlist = list("<b>[servants]</b> Servant, who [validservants ? "counts":"does not count"] towards scripture.<br>")
for(var/i in SSticker.scripture_states)
if(i != SCRIPTURE_DRIVER) //ignore the always-unlocked stuff
textlist += "[i] Scripture: <b>[SSticker.scripture_states[i] ? "UNLOCKED":"LOCKED"]</b><br>"
textlist = list("[SSticker.mode.eminence ? "There is an Eminence." : "<b>There is no Eminence! Get one ASAP!</b>"]<br>")
textlist += "There are currently <b>[servants]</b> servant[servants > 1 ? "s" : ""] of Ratvar.<br>"
for(var/i in SSticker.scripture_states)
if(i != SCRIPTURE_DRIVER) //ignore the always-unlocked stuff
textlist += "[i] Scripture: <b>[SSticker.scripture_states[i] ? "UNLOCKED":"LOCKED"]</b><br>"
var/obj/structure/destructible/clockwork/massive/celestial_gateway/G = GLOB.ark_of_the_clockwork_justiciar
var/time_info = G.get_arrival_time(FALSE)
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55 changes: 36 additions & 19 deletions code/game/gamemodes/clock_cult/
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Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ Credit where due:
// PROCS //

return istype(M) && M.mind && M.mind.has_antag_datum(ANTAG_DATUM_CLOCKCULT)

return FALSE
Expand All @@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ Credit where due:
return FALSE
if(iscultist(M) || isconstruct(M) || M.isloyal() || ispAI(M))
return FALSE
if(ishuman(M) || isbrain(M) || isguardian(M) || issilicon(M) || isclockmob(M) || istype(M, /mob/living/simple_animal/drone/cogscarab))
if(ishuman(M) || isbrain(M) || isguardian(M) || issilicon(M) || isclockmob(M) || istype(M, /mob/living/simple_animal/drone/cogscarab) || istype(M, /mob/camera/eminence))
return TRUE
return FALSE

/proc/add_servant_of_ratvar(mob/living/L, silent = FALSE)
/proc/add_servant_of_ratvar(mob/L, silent = FALSE)
if(!L || !L.mind)
var/update_type = ANTAG_DATUM_CLOCKCULT
. = L.mind.add_antag_datum(update_type)

/proc/remove_servant_of_ratvar(mob/living/L, silent = FALSE)
/proc/remove_servant_of_ratvar(mob/L, silent = FALSE)
if(!L || !L.mind)
var/datum/antagonist/clockcult/clock_datum = L.mind.has_antag_datum(ANTAG_DATUM_CLOCKCULT)
Expand All @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ Credit where due:

var/datum/mind/eminence //The clockwork Eminence
var/list/servants_of_ratvar = list() //The Enlightened servants of Ratvar
var/clockwork_explanation = "Defend the Ark of the Clockwork Justiciar and free Ratvar." //The description of the current objective

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ Credit where due:
if(S && !QDELETED(S))
to_chat(L, "<span class='bold large_brass'>There is a paper in your backpack! Read it!</span>")
to_chat(L, "<span class='bold large_brass'>There is a paper in your backpack! It'll tell you if anything's changed, as well as what to expect.</span>")
to_chat(L, "<span class='alloy'>[slot] is a <b>clockwork slab</b>, a multipurpose tool used to construct machines and invoke ancient words of power. If this is your first time \
as a servant, you can find a concise tutorial in the Recollection category of its interface.</span>")
to_chat(L, "<span class='alloy italics'>If you want more information, you can find a wiki link here!</span>")
Expand All @@ -201,11 +202,12 @@ Credit where due:
return //Doesn't end until the round does

return "We have lost contact with multiple stations in your sector. They have gone dark and do not respond to all transmissions, although they appear intact and the crew's life \
signs remain uninterrupted. Those that have managed to send a transmission or have had some of their crew escape tell tales of a machine cult creating sapient automatons and seeking \
to brainwash the crew to summon their god, Ratvar. If evidence of this cult is dicovered aboard your station, extreme caution and extreme vigilance must be taken going forward, and \
all resources should be devoted to stopping this cult. Note that holy water seems to weaken and eventually return the minds of cultists that ingest it, and mindshield implants will \
prevent conversion altogether."
return "Bluespace monitors near your sector have detected a continuous stream of patterned fluctuations since the station was completed. It is most probable that a powerful entity \
from a very far distance away is using to the station as a vector to cross that distance through bluespace. The theoretical power required for this would be monumental, and if \
the entity is hostile, it would need to rely on a single central power source - disrupting or destroying that power source would be the best way to prevent said entity from causing \
harm to company personnel or property.<br><br>Keep a sharp on any crew that appear to be oddly-dressed or using what appear to be magical powers, as these crew may be defectors \
working for this entity and utilizing highly-advanced technology to cross the great distance at will. If they should turn out to be a credible threat, the task falls on you and \
your crew to dispatch it in a timely manner."

var/text = ""
Expand All @@ -223,9 +225,11 @@ Credit where due:
for(var/i in SSticker.scripture_states)
text += "<br><b>[i] scripture</b> was: <b>[SSticker.scripture_states[i] ? "UN":""]LOCKED</b>"
text += "<br><b>The Eminence was:</b> [printplayer(SSticker.mode.eminence)]"
text += "<br><b>Ratvar's servants were:</b>"
for(var/datum/mind/M in servants_of_ratvar)
for(var/datum/mind/M in servants_of_ratvar - SSticker.mode.eminence)
text += printplayer(M)
to_chat(world, text)

Expand All @@ -245,14 +249,14 @@ Credit where due:
name = "Servant of Ratvar"
uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/chameleon/ratvar
shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/workboots
shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sneakers/black
back = /obj/item/storage/backpack
ears = /obj/item/device/radio/headset
gloves = /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/yellow
belt = /obj/item/storage/belt/utility/servant
backpack_contents = list(/obj/item/storage/box/engineer = 1, \
/obj/item/clockwork/replica_fabricator = 1, /obj/item/stack/tile/brass/fifty = 1, /obj/item/paper/servant_primer = 1)
id = /obj/item/card/id
id = /obj/item/device/pda
var/plasmaman //We use this to determine if we should activate internals in post_equip()

/datum/outfit/servant_of_ratvar/pre_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly = FALSE)
Expand All @@ -264,16 +268,24 @@ Credit where due:
plasmaman = TRUE

/datum/outfit/servant_of_ratvar/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly = FALSE)
var/obj/item/card/id/W = H.wear_id
var/obj/item/card/id/W = new(H)
var/obj/item/device/pda/PDA = H.wear_id
W.assignment = "Assistant"
W.registered_name = H.real_name
if(plasmaman && !visualsOnly) //If we need to breathe from the plasma tank, we should probably start doing that
H.internal = H.get_item_for_held_index(2)
PDA.owner = H.real_name
PDA.ownjob = "Assistant"
PDA.id_check(H, W)

//This paper serves as a quick run-down to the cult as well as a changelog to refer to.
//Check strings/clockwork_cult_changelog.txt for the changelog, and update it when you can!
name = "The Ark And You: A Primer On Servitude"
color = "#DAAA18"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,14 +315,19 @@ Credit where due:
<h2>Things that have changed:</h2>\
<li><b><i>Scripture no longer requires components, and instead uses power.</i></b></li>\
<li>Added a <b>5-minute grace period</b> for the crew to prepare for the assault when the Ark activates.</li>\
<li>Script and Application scriptures can now be unlocked with enough power.</li>\
<li><b>Added the Hateful Manacles scripture</b>, which handcuffs targets!</li>\
<b>Good luck!</b>"

. = ..()
var/changelog = world.file2list("strings/clockwork_cult_changelog.txt")
var/changelog_contents = ""
for(var/entry in changelog)
changelog_contents += "<li>[entry]</li>"
info = replacetext(info, "CLOCKCULTCHANGELOG", changelog_contents)

if(!is_servant_of_ratvar(user) && !isobserver(user))
to_chat(user, "<span class='danger'>You can't understand any of the words on [src].</span>")
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,9 @@

//changes construction value
GLOB.clockwork_construction_value += amount
if(!SSticker.current_state != GAME_STATE_PLAYING) //This is primarily so that structures added pre-roundstart don't contribute to construction value
GLOB.clockwork_construction_value = max(0, GLOB.clockwork_construction_value + amount)

/proc/can_recite_scripture(mob/living/L, can_potentially)
return (is_servant_of_ratvar(L) && (can_potentially || (L.stat == CONSCIOUS && L.can_speak_vocal())) && (GLOB.ratvar_awakens || (ishuman(L) || issilicon(L))))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,8 @@

name = "replicant manacles"
desc = "Cold, heavy manacles made out of some strange black metal."
desc = "Heavy manacles made out of freezing-cold metal. It looks like brass, but feels much more solid."
icon_state = "brass_manacles"
flags_1 = DROPDEL_1

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29 changes: 22 additions & 7 deletions code/game/gamemodes/clock_cult/clock_items/
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@@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
/obj/item/clockwork/slab //Clockwork slab: The most important tool in Ratvar's arsenal. Allows scripture recital, tutorials, and generates components.
name = "clockwork slab"
desc = "A strange metal tablet. A clock in the center turns around and around."
clockwork_desc = "A link between you and the Celestial Derelict. It contains information, recites scripture, and is your most vital tool as a Servant."
clockwork_desc = "A link between you and the Celestial Derelict. It contains information, recites scripture, and is your most vital tool as a Servant.<br>\
It can be used to link traps and triggers by attacking them with the slab. Keep in mind that traps linked with one another will activate in tandem!"

icon_state = "dread_ipad"
lefthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/antag/clockwork_lefthand.dmi'
righthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/antag/clockwork_righthand.dmi'
var/inhand_overlay //If applicable, this overlay will be applied to the slab's inhand

slot_flags = SLOT_BELT

var/busy //If the slab is currently being used by something
var/no_cost = FALSE //If the slab is admin-only and needs no components and has no scripture locks
var/speed_multiplier = 1 //multiples how fast this slab recites scripture
var/selected_scripture = SCRIPTURE_DRIVER
var/recollecting = FALSE //if we're looking at fancy recollection
var/obj/effect/proc_holder/slab/slab_ability //the slab's current bound ability, for certain scripture

var/recollecting = FALSE //if we're looking at fancy recollection
var/recollection_category = "Default"

var/list/quickbound = list(/datum/clockwork_scripture/abscond, \
/datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/kindle, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/hateful_manacles) //quickbound scripture, accessed by index
var/maximum_quickbound = 5 //how many quickbound scriptures we can have
var/recollection_category = "Default"

var/obj/structure/destructible/clockwork/trap/linking //If we're linking traps together, which ones we're doing

/obj/item/clockwork/slab/internal //an internal motor for mobs running scripture
name = "scripture motor"
Expand All @@ -34,8 +42,7 @@

/obj/item/clockwork/slab/cyborg //three scriptures, plus a spear and fabricator
clockwork_desc = "A divine link to the Celestial Derelict, allowing for limited recital of scripture.\n\
Hitting a slab, a Servant with a slab, or a cache will <b>transfer</b> this slab's components into the target, the target's slab, or the global cache, respectively."
clockwork_desc = "A divine link to the Celestial Derelict, allowing for limited recital of scripture."
quickbound = list(/datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/judicial_marker, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/linked_vanguard, \
maximum_quickbound = 6 //we usually have one or two unique scriptures, so if ratvar is up let us bind one more
Expand All @@ -46,7 +53,7 @@

/obj/item/clockwork/slab/cyborg/medical //five scriptures, plus a spear
quickbound = list(/datum/clockwork_scripture/abscond, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/linked_vanguard, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/sentinels_compromise, \
/datum/clockwork_scripture/create_object/vitality_matrix, /datum/clockwork_scripture/channeled/mending_mantra)

/obj/item/clockwork/slab/cyborg/security //twoscriptures, plus a spear
quickbound = list(/datum/clockwork_scripture/abscond, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/hateful_manacles, /datum/clockwork_scripture/ranged_ability/judicial_marker)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +160,11 @@
return 0

if(is_servant_of_ratvar(user) && linking)
linking = null
to_chat(user, "<span class='notice'>Object link canceled.</span>")

return FALSE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +422,10 @@
data["tier_info"] = "<font color=#B18B25><i>Unlock these optional scriptures by converting another servant or if [DisplayPower(APPLICATION_UNLOCK_THRESHOLD)] of power is reached..</i></font>"

data["selected"] = selected_scripture

data["scripturecolors"] = "<font color=#DAAA18>Scriptures in <b>yellow</b> are related to construction and building.</font><br>\
<font color=#6E001A>Scriptures in <b>red</b> are related to attacking and offense.</font><br>\
<font color=#1E8CE1>Scriptures in <b>blue</b> are related to healing and defense.</font><br>\
<font color=#AF0AAF>Scriptures in <b>purple</b> are niche but still important!</font>"

data["scripture"] = list()
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Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
name = "judicial explosion"
var/targetsjudged = 0
playsound(src, 'sound/effects/explosionfar.ogg', 100, 1, 1, 1)
playsound(src, 'sound/effects/explosion_distant.ogg', 100, 1, 1, 1)
for(var/mob/living/L in range(1, src))
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