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PHPDoc to Type Hint

Archived! This repository is now archived. Consider using PHP CS Fixer (and especially the phpdoc_to_param_type and phpdoc_to_return_type rules) or Rector instead.

phpdoc-to-typehint adds automatically scalar type hints and return types to all functions and methods of a PHP project using existing PHPDoc annotations.

Build Status

Warning: this project is an early stage of development. It can damage your code. Be sure to make a backup before running this command and to run your test suite after.

Please report any bug you find using this tool.

Install and usage

  1. Download the latest PHAR file
  2. Run php phpdoc-to-typehint.phar <your-project-directory>

Your project should have scalar type hints and return type declarations.



 * @param int|null $a
 * @param string   $b
 * @return float
function bar($a, $b, bool $c, callable $d = null)
    return 0.0;



 * @param int|null $a
 * @param string   $b
 * @return float
function bar(int $a = null, string $b, bool $c, callable $d = null) : float
    return 0.0;



  • functions
  • methods of classes and traits
  • method definitions in interfaces
  • PHPDoc inheritance
  • PHP 7.1 nullable types (can be disabled with --no-nullable-types option)


Created by Kévin Dunglas. Sponsored by