Implementation of a basic HTTP server in C++
- Can handle multiple concurrent connections, tested up to 10k.
- Support basic HTTP request and response. Provide an extensible framework to implement other HTTP features.
- HTTP/1.1: Persistent connection is enabled by default.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
./basic_http_server # Start the HTTP server on port 8080
- There are two endpoints available at
which are created for demo purpose.
- In order to have multiple concurrent connections, make sure to raise the resource limit (with
) before running the server. A non-root user by default can have about 1000 file descriptors opened, which corresponds to 1000 active clients.
ulimit -n 655350
The server program consists of:
- 1 main thread for user interaction.
- 1 listener thread to accept incoming clients.
- 10 worker threads to process HTTP requests and sends response back to client.
- Utility functions to parse and manipulate HTTP requests and repsonses conveniently.
Test environment
OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_64
Host: Inspiron 7548 A08
Kernel: 5.15.0-37-generic
CPU: Intel i5-5200U (4) @ 2.700GHz
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 5500
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 M265/M365X/M4
Memory: 2137MiB / 11851MiB
Using wrk tool for benchmarking server []
wrk -t10 -c10000 -d60s -H --timeout30s
Running 1m test @
10 threads and 10000 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 22.72ms 13.64ms 260.09ms 69.09%
Req/Sec 6.34k 5.42k 29.87k 86.19%
2648023 requests in 1.00m, 196.98MB read
Requests/sec: 44064.90
Transfer/sec: 3.28MB
With stronger CPU (Ex: ThinkPad E14 can reach 10000 request/sec)