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This is a RESTful API for managing hotels menu. It allows users to perform various CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), as well as generate QR codes for hotels and upload profile images for hotels, customers.

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MenuHub API

  • This is a RESTful API for managing hotels menu. It allows users to perform various CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), as well as generate QR codes for hotels and upload profile images for hotels, customers. The API is built using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose, and is secured with authentication and authorization middleware.


  • First set enviromental variable for MenuHub_Private_Key.
    • Example: export MenuHub_Private_Key="1234"
  • nodemon or node index.js


  • Before running the API, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

    • bcrypt
    • body-parser
    • config
    • express
    • express-async-errors
    • g
    • joi
    • jsonwebtoken
    • lodash
    • mongoose
    • multer
    • nodemon
    • qrcode
    • winston
    • winston-mongodb
  • You can install these dependencies using npm or yarn by running npm install or yarn install in the project directory.

Authentication and Authorization

  • Some endpoints require authentication and authorization. The authenticate middleware ensures that only authenticated users can access protected routes, while the authorize middleware restricts access to specific user roles (in this case, only users with the role of "Hotel" can access certain routes). You can customize these middlewares to suit your own authentication and authorization requirements.

API Endpoints

  • The API provides the following endpoints:

Hotel Routes

GET /api/hotels

  • Get all hotels, sorted by name or star rating (with optional query parameters for sorting)
    • sortBy = ['name', 'star']
    • sortOrder = ['asc', 'desc']

GET /api/hotels/:id

  • Get a specific hotel by ID

POST /api/hotels

  • Create a new hotel

PUT /api/hotels/:id

  • Update a hotel by ID

DELETE /api/hotels/:id

  • Delete a hotel by ID

GET /api/hotels/:id/qr-generator

  • Generate a QR code for a hotel by ID

POST /api/hotels/:id/profile-image

  • Upload a profile image for a hotel by ID

Menu Routes

GET /api/menu/hotel/:id

  • Retrieves menu items for a specific hotel based on the hotel's ID.
  • Query parameters:
    • sortBy (optional): Field to sort the menu items by (default: 'name'). Possible values: 'name', 'price', 'rating'.
    • sortOrder (optional): Sort order for the menu items (default: 'asc'). Possible values: 'asc', 'desc'.
  • Returns an array of menu items sorted based on the provided query parameters.

GET /api/menu/:id

  • Retrieves a menu item based on the menu item's ID.
  • Path parameters:
    • id: ID of the menu item to retrieve.
  • Returns the retrieved menu item.

POST /api/menus

  • Creates a new menu item.
  • Requires authentication and authorization with the role 'Hotel'.
  • Request body should contain the details of the menu item to be created.
  • Returns the created menu item.

PUT /api/menus/:id

  • Updates an existing menu item based on the menu item's ID.
  • Requires authentication and authorization with the role 'Hotel'.
  • Path parameters:
    • id: ID of the menu item to update.
  • Request body should contain the updated details of the menu item.
  • Returns the updated menu item.

DELETE /api/menus/:id

  • Deletes a menu item based on the menu item's ID.
  • Requires authentication and authorization with the role 'Hotel'.
  • Path parameters:
    • id: ID of the menu item to delete.
  • Returns the deleted menu item.

POST /api/menus/:id/images

  • Uploads images for a menu item based on the menu item's ID.
  • Requires authentication and authorization with the role 'Hotel'.
  • Path parameters: -id: ID of the menu item to upload images for.
  • Request body should contain the images to be uploaded as form-data with key 'images'.
  • Returns a success message upon successful image upload.

Authentication Routes

GET /api/me

  • Retrieves the user's profile information based on their role after authenticating and authorizing the request.
  • Authorization: Required
  • Role-based Access: Customer, Waiter, Chief, Hotel
  • Response: Returns the user's profile information as a JSON object.

POST /api/auth

  • Authenticates the user based on their role, email, and password, and returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) for further authentication.
  • Authorization: Not required
  • Role-based Access: N/A
  • Request Body:
  • Example: { "email": "<user_email>", "role": "<user_role>", "password": "<user_password>" }

Customer Routes

GET /api/customers

  • Retrieve all customers.

GET /api/customers/:id

  • Retrieve a customer by ID.

POST /api/customers

  • Create a new customer.

PUT /api/customers/:id

  • Update a customer by ID.

DELETE /api/customers/:id

  • Delete a customer by ID.

POST /api/customers/:id/profile-image

  • Upload a profile image for a customer by ID.

Chief Routes

GET /api/chiefs

  • This route retrieves all Chief accounts from the database and sends the response as an array of Chief objects (excluding the password field).

GET /api/chiefs/:id

  • This route retrieves a specific Chief account from the database based on the provided id parameter and sends the response as a Chief object (excluding the password field).

POST /api/chiefs

  • This route creates a new Chief account in the database after validating the request body and checking for authorization.

PUT /api/chiefs/:id

  • This route updates a specific Chief account in the database based on the provided id parameter after validating the request body and checking for authorization.

DELETE /api/chiefs/:id

  • This route deletes a specific Chief account from the database based on the provided id parameter after checking for authorization.

POST /api/chiefs/:id/profile-image

  • This route uploads a profile image for a specific Chief account based on the provided id parameter after checking for authentication and authorization.

POST /api/chiefs/:id/ready

  • This route sets an order as ready for a specific Chief account based on the provided id parameter and the order id in the request body after checking for authentication and authorization.

Waiter Routes

GET /api/waiters

  • This endpoint returns a list of all waiters in the system.

GET /api/waiters/:id

  • This endpoint returns details of a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.

POST /api/waiters

  • This endpoint allows the registration of a new waiter.
  • It requires authentication and authorization with the role of "Hotel".

PUT /api/waiters/:id

  • This endpoint allows updating the details of a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.
  • It requires authentication and authorization with the role of "Waiter".

DELETE /api/waiters/:id

  • This endpoint allows deleting a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.

POST /api/waiters/:id/profile-image

  • This endpoint allows uploading a profile image for a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.
  • It requires authentication and authorization with the role of "Waiter".

POST /api/waiters/:id/confirm

  • This endpoint allows confirming an order for a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.
  • It requires authentication and authorization with the role of "Waiter".

POST /api/waiters/:id/cancel

  • This endpoint allows cancelling an order for a specific waiter identified by the :id parameter in the URL.
  • It requires authentication and authorization with the role of "Waiter".

OrderItem Routes

GET /api/orderItems

  • Description: This route retrieves all order items from the database.
  • Authentication: Not required
  • Authorization: Not required

GET /api/orderItems/:id

  • Description: This route retrieves a specific order item by its ID from the database.
  • Authentication: Not required
  • Authorization: Not required

POST /api/orderItems

  • Description: This route creates a new order item in the database.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Customer" or "Waiter")

PUT /api/orderItems/:id

  • Description: This route updates an existing order item in the database by its ID.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Customer" or "Waiter")

DELETE /api/orderItems/:id

  • Description: This route deletes an order item from the database by its ID.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Customer" or "Waiter")

Order Routes

GET /api/orders

  • Description: This route retrieves all orders from the database.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Waiter" or "Chef")

GET /api/orders/:id

  • Description: This route retrieves a specific order from the database by its ID.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Waiter" or "Chef")

POST /api/orders

  • Description: This route creates a new order in the database.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with role "Customer")

PUT /api/orders/:id

  • Description: This route updates a specific order in the database by its ID.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Waiter" or "Chef")

DELETE /api/orders/:id

  • Description: This route deletes an order from the database by its ID.
  • Authentication: Required (authenticate middleware)
  • Authorization: Required (authorize middleware with roles "Customer" or "Waiter")

Table Routes

GET /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables

  • Description: Retrieves all tables for a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

GET /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables/:id

  • Description: Retrieves a specific table by its ID for a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

POST /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables

  • Description: Creates a new table for a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

PUT /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables/:id

  • Description: Updates a specific table by its ID for a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

DELETE /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables/:id

  • Description: Deletes a specific table by its ID for a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

GET /api/hotels/:hotelId/tables/:id/qr-generator

  • Description: Generates a QR code for a specific table in a specific hotel.
  • Authentication: Required
  • Authorization: Required (Role: Hotel)

Error Handling

  • The API includes error handling for invalid request parameters, duplicate hotel registrations, not found errors, and server errors. Proper error responses are sent with appropriate status codes and error messages for easy troubleshooting.


  • If you would like to contribute to this API, you can fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request. Please follow the code style and contribute to the documentation as needed. All contributions are welcome!


  • This API is released under the MIT License. You can find the license information in the LICENSE file.


  • This API was developed by [Your Name] and is based on the hotel-api template. It uses various open-source libraries and tools. Thank you to all the contributors of these libraries for their hard work and contributions to the open-source community.


  • If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact Duresa Feyisa at [email protected] or Bisrat kebere at .


This is a RESTful API for managing hotels menu. It allows users to perform various CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), as well as generate QR codes for hotels and upload profile images for hotels, customers.






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