RESTful CRUD Node Server for UVU DGM 4790
In terminal, while in project directory and run:
npm install
Start server on default port 4402:
npm start
All CRUD operations done in Postman
- Choose x-www-form-urlencoded in the Body tab in Postman.
- Send a POST request to the following url ‘localhost:4402/characters/create’.
- Send a GET request to url ‘localhost:4402/characters/’ to find all existing characters.
- Send a GET request to url ‘localhost:4402/characters/CHARACTER_ID’ to find a specific character, switching CHARACTER_ID with chosen character :id.
- Send an POST request to url ‘localhost:4402/characters/CHARACTER_ID/update’ to update a specific character's attributes by id.
- Send a Delete request to url ‘localhost:4402/characters/CHARACTER_ID/delete’ to delete a specific character by id.