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Mikhail Yudelson committed Oct 11, 2012
0 parents commit b2f3d17
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Showing 26 changed files with 9,639 additions and 0 deletions.
2,249 changes: 2,249 additions & 0 deletions HMMProblem.cpp

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129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions HMMProblem.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
* HMMProblem.h
* Created by Mikhail Yudelson on 5/3/12.
* Copyright 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#include "StripedArray.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

#include "liblinear/linear.h"

//#include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>


class HMMProblem {
HMMProblem(struct param *param); // sizes=={nK, nK, nK} by default
virtual NUMBER** getPI();
virtual NUMBER*** getA();
virtual NUMBER*** getB();
virtual NUMBER* getPI(NCAT k);
virtual NUMBER** getA(NCAT k);
virtual NUMBER** getB(NCAT k);
NUMBER* getLbPI();
NUMBER** getLbA();
NUMBER** getLbB();
NUMBER* getUbPI();
NUMBER** getUbA();
NUMBER** getUbB();
// getters for computing alpha, beta, gamma
virtual NUMBER getPI(struct data* dt, NPAR i);
virtual NUMBER getA (struct data* dt, NPAR i, NPAR j);
virtual NUMBER getB (struct data* dt, NPAR i, NPAR m);
virtual void toFile(const char *filename);
// static NUMBER getSumNegPOPara(NCAT xndat, struct data **x_data, NUMBER (*f)(NUMBER)); // generic per k/g-slice
static NUMBER getSumLogPOPara(NCAT xndat, struct data **x_data); // generic per k/g-slice
bool hasNon01Constraints();
NUMBER getLogLik(); // get log likelihood of the fitted model
NCAT getNparams(); // get log likelihood of the fitted model
NUMBER getNullSkillObs(NPAR m); // get log likelihood of the fitted model
// fitting (the only public method)
virtual void fit(); // return -LL for the model
// compute metrics
void computeMetrics(NUMBER* metrics);
// predicting
virtual void producePCorrect(NUMBER*** group_skill_map, NUMBER* local_pred, NCAT* ks, NCAT nks, struct data* dt);
void predict(NUMBER* metrics, const char *filename, StripedArray<NPAR> *dat_obs, StripedArray<NCAT> *dat_group, StripedArray<NCAT> *dat_skill, StripedArray<NCAT*> *dat_multiskill);
// Givens
NCAT n_params; // number of model params
NCAT sizes[3]; // sizes of arrays of PI,A,B params
NUMBER *null_obs_ratio;
NUMBER neg_log_lik; // negative log-likelihood
NUMBER null_skill_obs; // if null skills are present, what's the default obs to predict
NUMBER null_skill_obs_prob; // if null skills are present, what's the default obs probability to predict
NUMBER** PI; // initial state probabilities
NUMBER*** A; // transition matrix
NUMBER*** B; // observation matrix
NUMBER* lbPI; // lower boundary initial state probabilities
NUMBER** lbA; // lower boundary transition matrix
NUMBER** lbB; // lower boundary observation matrix
NUMBER* ubPI; // upper boundary initial state probabilities
NUMBER** ubA; // upper boundary transition matrix
NUMBER** ubB; // upper boundary observation matrix
bool non01constraints; // whether there are lower or upper boundaries different from 0,1 respectively

struct param *p; // data and params

// Derived
NUMBER* gradPI; // gradient of initial state probabilities
NUMBER** gradA; // gradient of transition matrix
NUMBER** gradB; // gradient of observation matrix

virtual void init(struct param *param); // non-fit specific initialization
virtual void destroy(); // non-fit specific destruction
static void initAlpha(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NPAR a_nS); // generic
static void initXi(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NPAR a_nS); // generic
static void initGamma(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NPAR a_nS); // generic
static void initBeta(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NPAR a_nS); // generic
// static void computeAlphaAndPOParam(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_PI, NUMBER** a_A, NUMBER **a_B, NPAR a_nS);
void computeAlphaAndPOParam(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data);
// void computeAlphaAndPOParamG(NCAT g);
// virtual void computeBeta(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER** a_A, NUMBER **a_B, NPAR a_nS);
void computeBeta(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data);
void computeGamma(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data);
void computeXi(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data);
void FitNullSkill(NUMBER* loglik_rmse, bool keep_SE); // get loglik and RMSE
// predicting
virtual void computeLogLikRMSENullSkill(NUMBER* loglik_rmse, bool keep_SE);
virtual void computeLogLikRMSE(NUMBER* loglik_rmse, bool keep_SE, NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data);
void computeGradients(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_gradPI, NUMBER** a_gradA, NUMBER **a_gradB, struct param* param);
NUMBER doLinearStep(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_PI, NUMBER **a_A, NUMBER **a_B,
NUMBER *a_gradPI, NUMBER **a_gradA, NUMBER **a_gradB);
NUMBER doConjugateLinearStep(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_PI, NUMBER **a_A, NUMBER **a_B, NUMBER *a_gradPI_m1, NUMBER **a_gradA_m1, NUMBER **a_gradB_m1, NUMBER *a_gradPI, NUMBER **a_gradA, NUMBER **a_gradB, NUMBER *a_dirPI_m1, NUMBER **a_dirA_m1, NUMBER **a_dirB_m1);
NUMBER doBarzalaiBorweinStep(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_PI, NUMBER **a_A, NUMBER **a_B, NUMBER *a_PI_m1, NUMBER **a_A_m1, NUMBER **a_B_m1, NUMBER *a_gradPI_m1, NUMBER **a_gradA_m1, NUMBER **a_gradB_m1, NUMBER *a_gradPI, NUMBER **a_gradA, NUMBER **a_gradB, NUMBER *a_dirPI_m1, NUMBER **a_dirA_m1, NUMBER **a_dirB_m1);
bool checkConvergence(NUMBER* PI, NUMBER** A, NUMBER** B, NUMBER* PI_m1, NUMBER** A_m1, NUMBER** B_m1, bool flags[3]);
// bridge to Liblinear - all objects are liblinear objects
void createLiblinearProblem(struct problem &prob, struct parameter &param, struct feature_node *x_space);
void createLiblinearProblem(struct problem &prob, struct parameter &param, struct feature_node *x_space, NCAT k); // multiple KC's separately
void recycleLiblinearProblem(struct problem &prob, struct parameter &param, struct feature_node *x_space);
bool checkPIABConstraints(NUMBER* a_PI, NUMBER** a_A, NUMBER** a_B); // all constraints, inc row sums

// fitting methods - helpers (hidden)
// fitting methods (hidden)
NUMBER GradientDescentSkill(); // return -LL for the model
NUMBER ConjugateGradientDescentSkill(); // return -LL for the model
NUMBER GradientDescentGroup();
NUMBER BaumWelchSkill();
void doBaumWelchStep(NCAT xndat, struct data** x_data, NUMBER *a_PI, NUMBER **a_A, NUMBER **a_B);
// void predictMetricsGroup(NUMBER* metrics, const char *filename, StripedArray<NPAR> *dat_obs, StripedArray<NCAT> *dat_group, StripedArray<NCAT> *dat_skill, StripedArray<NCAT*> *dat_multiskill);
// write model
void toFileSkill(const char *filename);
void toFileGroup(const char *filename);


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