This repository contains my creations for 3D printing. Here you will find a variety of usefull stuff
All the models are created using OpenScad and are designed to be easily adapted to your necessities
Enjoy it!
Adapted Toys - A set of toys adapted for disabled children
Commons - Auxiliary files used in many projects. Not a project by itself.
Copter - multi copter chassis.
Custom Zip - A fully customizable zip part.
Dual Extruder - Dual extruder for RepRap Prusa Mendel iteration 3
Parchis set. A set for dice shaker and chips for the popular spahish parchis game
Printer Addons - Some pieces designed for changing/improving some RepRap printers features
Rear light support - A replacement part for a byke's rear light
Spare parts. Different models for reparing different kind of stuff
Trousers guard - A piece for saving your jeans when cycling