This is a custom Pokémon game based on the Pokémon Crystal disassembly. The game was built using Polished Crystal 3.0.0 as a base by dwg (Reddit username: u/dwg6m9)
This game should be patched to ...
Crystal Inheritance is a time-traveling adventure through Johto!
When Ilex Forest is threatened, Celebi calls to you and Grandpa Kurt to help. Can you go back in time to save Johto's future?
Use your knowledge of the world to craft pokéballs from new apricorns, discover Hisuian evolutions of Johto Pokémon, and explore Johto like never before.
In historic Johto, you'll see the power-hungry Emperor Mejimi; Mejimi's three Generals Bobesh, Kensey, and Adrinna; and his standing army of brigaders.
In modern Johto, you'll help Pryce confront Johto's gym leaders as they confront their own cynicism.
Nothing is inevitable - what path will you choose?
- Regional Pokedex maximizes number of evolutionary lines
- Modern techniques
- New mechanics, including the Fairy type, Physical/Special split, Natures, unlimited TMs, Running Shoes, and continuous Repel.
- Music and graphics devamped from other versions.
- Nuzlocke mode in the Option menu, enabling the basic rules of the Nuzlocke Challenge.
To-Do: Starter Selection New apricorns New Town Map Historic Town Map Title Screen Debug Room (Spoiler) Mejimi "i am the ..."
Polished Crystal Developers