Now in Maven Central Repository:
- source: Logstash Event [source] value
- sourceHost: Logstash Event [host] value (default: current hostname)
- sourcePath: Logstash Event [path] value
- tags: Comma-separated strings of Logstash [tags]
- type: Logstash Event [type] value
- host: Redis Server Host (default: localhost)
- port: Redis Server Port (default: 6379)
- key: Redis Key to append the logs to
- timeout: Redis connection timeout (default: 2000)
- password: Redis connection password (default no password)
- database: Redis database number (default 0)
- mdc: Set to true if you want to log MDC properties (default false)
- location: Set to true if you want to log the source file (default false)
- callerStackIndex: As location is determined by call stack, if you use some log wrapper, the location will always be the wrapper instead. Set it to 1 or higher to specify the particular call stack level (default 0)
<appender name="LOGSTASH" class="com.cwbase.logback.RedisAppender">
input {
redis {
codec => json
host => ""
port => 6379
key => "logstash"
data_type => "list"
Logstash has re-defined its JSON message format as [An event is simply a tuple of (timestamp, data).]
"@timestamp": "2013-02-09T20:39:26.234Z",
"@version": "1",
message: "hello world"
This implies that the @-prefixed keys is not longer valid and allows a more flexible event data. The original mapping can be found at oldlogstashjson.rb file.
There is one unmapped field "@source". I will turn that into "source" field anyways.