Two functions are exported by this package:
- The list of currently free books can be downloaded for subsetting: This function returns a DataFrame of the list.
path = pwd()
bl = getbooklist(path, name = "booklist.xlsx")
- The books are downloaded based on the booklist:
loadbooks(path, bl[1:3, :])
This example will download the first three Mathematics books:
using SpringerQuarantineBooks
using DataFrames
path = "/home/daniel/Documents/books"
booklist = getbooklist(path, name = "booklist.xlsx")
mathbooks = filter(row -> occursin(r".*Mathematics.*", row[Symbol("English Package Name")]),booklist)
loadbooks(path, mathbooks[1:3, :])
Some books are available as EPUBs. Those can be downloaded by setting format="epub"
. format
is not case sensitive.
loadbooks(path, mathbooks[1:3,:], format = "epub")
Further options are:
- fixnames = true -> Replace whitespace and commas in filenames with '_'
- verbose = true -> Show progress bar
- printerrors = (lowercase(format) == "pdf") -> Print error message if download fails
defaults to
only if format is pdf as errors occur when epub is not available