- Pro
DECIMER Image Transformer is a deep-learning-based tool designed for automated recognition of chemical structure images. Leveraging transformer architectures, the model converts chemical images int…
This repo contains ReactionDataExtractor v.2 - software toolkit for extraction of information from chemical reaction schemes
Llamole: Multimodal Large Language Models for Inverse Molecular Design with Retrosynthetic Planning
Source Code for <Target-Side Data Augmentation for Sequence Generation>
CReM: chemically reasonable mutations framework
Obtain and organize all feasible fragmentation of molecular methods
Code and data for the Nature Machine Intelligence paper "Knowledge graph-enhanced molecular contrastive learning with functional prompt".
[EMNLP2022] Source code for Neural Machine Translation with Contrastive Translation Memories
[ICCV23] Bird’s-Eye-View Scene Graph for Vision-Language Navigation
XBM: Cross-Batch Memory for Embedding Learning
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Circle Loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization"
[ACL 2024] ReactXT: Understanding Molecular “Reaction-ship” via Reaction-Contextualized Molecule-Text Pretraining. by Zhiyuan Liu*, Yaorui Shi*, An Zhang, Sihang Li, Enzhi Zhang, Xiang Wang, Kenji …
Chemical reaction data cleaning
RXNMapper: Unsupervised attention-guided atom-mapping. Code complementing our Science Advances publication on "Extraction of organic chemistry grammar from unsupervised learning of chemical reactio…
Reaction Decoder Tool (RDT) - Atom Atom Mapping Tool
Precise reaction atom-to-atom mapping with LocalMapper
Chemical reaction data & benchmarks. Extraction and cleaning of data from Open Reaction Database (ORD)
[ICLR 2024] Domain-Agnostic Molecular Generation with Chemical Feedback
SMILES Pair Encoding: A data-driven substructure representation of chemicals
[ECCV2022] D2M-GAN for music generation from dance videos