13th Day Development
- Livingston, Texas
Starred repositories
Lightweight and Interpretable ML Model for Speech Emotion Recognition and Ambiguity Resolution (trained on IEMOCAP dataset)
dylandog13 / firebase-tools
Forked from firebase/firebase-toolsThe Firebase Command Line Tools
Code for modeling and managing credentials in Metasploit, implemented as a Rails Engine
Metasploit Framework
pelya / commandergenius
Forked from albertz/commandergeniusPort of SDL library and several games to the Android OS.
dylandog13 / BotLibre
Forked from BotLibre/BotLibreAn open platform for artificial intelligence, chat bots, virtual agents, social media automation, and live chat automation.
The Munich Open-Source Large-Scale Multimedia Feature Extractor
dylandog13 / netsploit
Forked from cbrnrd/netsploit📡 A security research tool with shodan integration
dylandog13 / DarkFly-Tool
Forked from Ranginang67/DarkFly-ToolDarkFly tool V.4.0
dylandog13 / termux-packages
Forked from termux/termux-packagesAndroid terminal and Linux environment - packages repository.
dylandog13 / termux-app
Forked from termux/termux-appAndroid terminal and Linux environment - app repository.
dylandog13 / openssl
Forked from openssl/opensslTLS/SSL and crypto library
dylandog13 / git
Forked from git/gitGit Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
Firebase Admin Node.js SDK
Firebase Admin Node.js SDK
dylandog13 / termux.github.io
Forked from termux/termux.github.ioThe main termux site and help pages.
dylandog13 / cdn
Forked from freeCodeCamp/cdnstatic assets for use with projects, curriculum and other places on internet
⚡:octocat: A Github Action for deploying with the Serverless Framework
dylandog13 / devdocs
Forked from freeCodeCamp/devdocsAPI Documentation Browser
⚡:octocat: A Github Action for deploying with the Serverless Framework (without Node)
dylandog13 / html-pipeline
Forked from gjtorikian/html-pipelineHTML processing filters and utilities
dylandog13 / htmldocs
Forked from git/htmldocsPre-built HTML Git documentation
dylandog13 / bxi
Forked from sherazkhankhan/bxiTermux new Commands 2020
dylandog13 / learning-area
Forked from mdn/learning-areaGithub repo for the MDN Learning Area.
dylandog13 / processing-android-library-template
Forked from processing/processing-android-library-templateProcessing Android Library Template for Eclipse
dylandog13 / processing
Forked from processing/processingSource code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)