This is an extention for one-off scripts to help maintain SeAT installations.
- Scheduled: Yes
- How Often: Every 5 minutes
This script will search each user and based on the API keys they own, will be added to any existing Role with the same name as the Corporation or a Corp Title. You must create the role name the same as the Title or Corporation for this script to add the user. This is great for general members where you can create the association with their corp, killboards, corp summary, etc.
From the command-line, run:
composer require denngarr/seat-scripts
Edit config/app.php
In the Package Service Providers block, add:
Then from the command-line, run:
php artisan vendor:publish --force
Now, if you run:
php artisan
You should see the new command(s) added. These commands will also show up in the scheduler.