The idea of this list is to collect shared data and algorithms around 3D Morphable Models. You are invited to contribute to this list by adding a pull request. The original list arised from the Dag…
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AudioDVP:Photorealistic Audio-driven Video Portraits
Text and supporting code for Modeling and Simulation in Python
This repository contains the exercises and its solution contained in the book "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" in python.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
Replication of simple CV Projects including attention, classification, detection, keypoint detection, etc.
🎬 人人影视 机器人和网站,包含人人影视全部资源以及众多网友的网盘分享
Training & Inference Code of PRNet in PyTorch 1.1.0
Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework. ***This project is unmaintained, try taking a look at this fork…
Deep Learning Based Free Mobile Real-Time Face Landmark Detector. Contact:[email protected]
📝 A text file containing 479k English words for all your dictionary/word-based projects e.g: auto-completion / autosuggestion
A repository for ebooks, including C, C plus plus, Linux Kernel, Compiler, OS, Algorithm, Security, Database, Network, ML and DL
Tutorial for creating Python/Qt GUIs with fbs
Officially maintained, supported by PaddlePaddle, including CV, NLP, Speech, Rec, TS, big models and so on.
Source code for Robust Face Detection via Learning Small Faces on Hard Images
a tensorflow implement dsfd face detector