Go library that presents high performance KV interface built on top of OVSDB.
- Implements generic key-value interface with support for hierarhical searches, e.g. /a/b/c => values
- Implements Go struct introspection API, e.g. mapping Go struct on top of hierarhical key-value interface
- Using OVSDB built-in conditional search to speed up key look up
- Implements native OVSDB Set and Map primitives as key's value
- Hierarhical Key-Value interface
ovs, _ := ovskv.Init(DB_NAME, DB_CONNECT, DB_NAMESPACE, nil)
// create hierarhy of keys
uuid, _ := ovs.SetKV("/a", "a")
uuid, _ := ovs.SetKV("/a/b", "b")
uuid, _ := ovs.SetKV("/a/b/c", "c")
uuid, _ := ovs.SetKV("/a/b/d", "d")
// retrieve /a/b, /a/b/c, /a/b/d
rows, _ := ovs.GetKV("includes", "/a/b")
// delete all
ovs.DeleteKV("includes", "")
- Go struct introspection Save interface
type C struct {
SubSubField1 string `ovskv:"subfield1"`
type B struct {
SubField1 string `ovskv:"subfield1"`
SubField2 C `ovskv:"subfield2"`
type A struct {
Field1 string `ovskv:"field1"`
Field2 int `ovskv:"field2"`
Field3 int64 `ovskv:"field3"`
Field4 bool `ovskv:"field4"`
Field5 B `ovskv:"field5"`
Field6 []B `ovskv:"field6"`
a := A{
Field1: "value1",
Field2: 0,
Field3: 123,
Field4: false,
Field5: B{
SubField1: "value1",
SubField2: C{
SubSubField1: "value1",
Field6: []B{
SubField1: "value1",
SubField2: C{
SubSubField1: "value1",
ovs, _ := ovskv.Init(DB_NAME, DB_CONNECT, DB_NAMESPACE, &a)
// store the entire structure pointed by &a in key-value hierarhy
// modify one field
a.Field1 = "value1 changed3"
// update just one field
- Go struct introspection Load interface
ovs, _ := ovskv.Init(DB_NAME, DB_CONNECT, DB_NAMESPACE, &a)
// load &a from existing key-value hierarhy
// re-load just one field
ovs.LoadField(&a.Field1, "/field1")
Steps to get library compiled and execute tests
go get -u github.com/stretchr/testify/assert github.com/ebay/libovsdb
ovsdb-tool create ./testkv.db ./testkv.ovsschema
ovsdb-server --remote=ptcp:6641 --remote=tcp: ./testkv.db &>/tmp/out &
go test ovskv_test.go -v -bench
=== RUN TestKV
--- PASS: TestKV (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSaveAndLoad
Create Go struct, save it and load it back
--- PASS: TestSaveAndLoad (0.01s)
=== RUN TestSaveField
Create Go struct with just one element, save it, modify it, save again and load it back
--- PASS: TestSaveField (0.00s)
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkStructSave-8 854 1882251 ns/op 43223 B/op 863 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructLoad-8 1099 1203485 ns/op 38194 B/op 1019 allocs/op
BenchmarkKVSet-8 6025 307200 ns/op 7718 B/op 150 allocs/op
BenchmarkKVMGet-8 3574 337058 ns/op 6289 B/op 136 allocs/op
ovsdb-client list-dbs tcp:
ovsdb-client dump tcp: TestKV
ovsdb-tool convert ./testkv.db testkv.ovsschema