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Revert existential infer part of scala#5376
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It wasn't a good idea after all.

Also removed some tracing code that I cannot imagine
was ever used in a production compiler. It's still just
a recompile away.

Fixes scala/scala-dev#280
  • Loading branch information
adriaanm committed Dec 2, 2016
1 parent aacef6d commit 891ecbf
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Showing 3 changed files with 34 additions and 39 deletions.
73 changes: 34 additions & 39 deletions src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ trait Types
private var explainSwitch = false
private final val emptySymbolSet = immutable.Set.empty[Symbol]

private final val traceTypeVars = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.tvar"
private final val breakCycles = settings.breakCycles.value
/** In case anyone wants to turn on type parameter bounds being used
* to seed type constraints.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2826,13 +2825,13 @@ trait Types
// now, pattern-matching returns the most recent constr
object TypeVar {
@inline final def trace[T](action: String, msg: => String)(value: T): T = {
if (traceTypeVars) {
val s = msg match {
case "" => ""
case str => "( " + str + " )"
Console.err.println("[%10s] %-25s%s".format(action, value, s))
// Uncomment the following for a compiler that has some diagnostics about type inference
// I doubt this is ever useful in the wild, so a recompile will be needed
// val s = msg match {
// case "" => ""
// case str => "( " + str + " )"
// }
// Console.err.println("[%10s] %-25s%s".format(action, value, s))

Expand All @@ -2853,7 +2852,9 @@ trait Types
val exclude = bounds.isEmptyBounds || (bounds exists typeIsNonClassType)

if (exclude) new TypeConstraint
else TypeVar.trace("constraint", "For " + tparam.fullLocationString)(new TypeConstraint(bounds))
else TypeVar.trace("constraint", "For " + tparam.fullLocationString)(
new TypeConstraint(bounds)
else new TypeConstraint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2882,7 +2883,9 @@ trait Types
else throw new Error("Invalid TypeVar construction: " + ((origin, constr, args, params)))

trace("create", "In " + tv.originLocation)(tv)
trace("create", "In " + tv.originLocation)(
private def createTypeVar(tparam: Symbol, untouchable: Boolean): TypeVar =
createTypeVar(tparam.tpeHK, deriveConstraint(tparam), Nil, tparam.typeParams, untouchable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2986,7 +2989,9 @@ trait Types
else if (newArgs.size == params.size) {
val tv = TypeVar(origin, constr, newArgs, params)
TypeVar.trace("applyArgs", "In " + originLocation + ", apply args " + newArgs.mkString(", ") + " to " + originName)(tv)
TypeVar.trace("applyArgs", s"In $originLocation, apply args ${newArgs.mkString(", ")} to $originName")(
Expand All @@ -3005,31 +3010,20 @@ trait Types
// only one of them is in the set of tvars that need to be solved, but
// they share the same TypeConstraint instance

// When comparing to types containing skolems, remember the highest level
// of skolemization. If that highest level is higher than our initial
// skolemizationLevel, we can't re-use those skolems as the solution of this
// typevar, which means we'll need to repack our inst into a fresh existential.
// were we compared to skolems at a higher skolemizationLevel?
// EXPERIMENTAL: value will not be considered unless enableTypeVarExperimentals is true
// see SI-5729 for why this is still experimental
private var encounteredHigherLevel = false
private def shouldRepackType = encounteredHigherLevel

// <region name="constraint mutators + undoLog">
// invariant: before mutating constr, save old state in undoLog
// (undoLog is used to reset constraints to avoid piling up unrelated ones)
def setInst(tp: Type): this.type = {
if (tp eq this) {
def setInst(tp: Type): this.type =
if (tp ne this) {
undoLog record this
constr.inst = TypeVar.trace("setInst", s"In $originLocation, $originName=$tp")(
} else {
log(s"TypeVar cycle: called setInst passing $this to itself.")
return this
undoLog record this
// if we were compared against later typeskolems, repack the existential,
// because skolems are only compatible if they were created at the same level
val res = if (shouldRepackType) repackExistential(tp) else tp
constr.inst = TypeVar.trace("setInst", "In " + originLocation + ", " + originName + "=" + res)(res)

def addLoBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
assert(tp != this, tp) // implies there is a cycle somewhere (?)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3208,8 +3202,7 @@ trait Types
checkSubtype(tp, origin)
else if (instValid) // type var is already set
checkSubtype(tp, inst)
else {
else isRelatable(tp) && {
unifySimple || unifyFull(tp) || (
// only look harder if our gaze is oriented toward Any
isLowerBound && (
Expand All @@ -3232,8 +3225,7 @@ trait Types

if (suspended) tp =:= origin
else if (instValid) checkIsSameType(tp)
else {
else isRelatable(tp) && {
val newInst = wildcardToTypeVarMap(tp)
(constr isWithinBounds newInst) && {
Expand All @@ -3257,9 +3249,12 @@ trait Types
case _ => false

private def trackHigherLevel(tp: Type): Unit =
if(!shouldRepackType && tp.exists(isSkolemAboveLevel))
encounteredHigherLevel = true

/** Can this variable be related in a constraint to type `tp`?
* This is not the case if `tp` contains type skolems whose
* skolemization level is higher than the level of this variable.
def isRelatable(tp: Type) = !(tp exists isSkolemAboveLevel)

override def normalize: Type = (
if (instValid) inst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3307,7 +3302,7 @@ trait Types
// to never be resumed with the current implementation
assert(!suspended, this)
TypeVar.trace("clone", originLocation)(
TypeVar(origin, constr.cloneInternal, typeArgs, params) // @M TODO: clone args/params?
TypeVar(origin, constr.cloneInternal, typeArgs, params)
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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