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Fold SuiteRunner into AbstractRunner
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The distinction was rather arbitrary and only added to the confusion
between all the different things that partest calls “runner”.
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szeiger committed Jun 14, 2018
1 parent 777b11b commit 93e257a
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Showing 4 changed files with 146 additions and 155 deletions.
107 changes: 103 additions & 4 deletions src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/AbstractRunner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,14 +8,21 @@ package partest
package nest

import utils.Properties._
import{ versionMsg, propOrFalse, setProp }
import{propOrFalse, setProp, versionMsg}
import scala.collection.mutable
import TestKinds._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections.distinctBy
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS

abstract class AbstractRunner {

val config: RunnerSpec.Config
val fileManager: FileManager
protected val testSourcePath: String

lazy val nestUI: NestUI = new NestUI(
verbose = config.optVerbose,
Expand All @@ -26,7 +33,11 @@ abstract class AbstractRunner {
colorEnabled = colorEnabled

val suiteRunner: SuiteRunner
val javaCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javaCmd
val javacCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javacCmd
val scalacExtraArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
val javaOpts: String = PartestDefaults.javaOpts
val scalacOpts: String = PartestDefaults.scalacOpts

protected val printSummary = true
protected val partestCmd = "test/partest"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +113,11 @@ abstract class AbstractRunner {

/** Run the tests and return the success status */
def run(): Boolean = {

// TODO: make this immutable
PathSettings.testSourcePath = testSourcePath

if (config.optVersion) echo(versionMsg)
else if (config.optHelp) nestUI.usage()
else {
Expand All @@ -116,7 +132,7 @@ abstract class AbstractRunner {
config.optTimeout foreach (x => setProp("partest.timeout", x))

if (!nestUI.terse)

val grepExpr = config.optGrep getOrElse ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +184,7 @@ abstract class AbstractRunner {
val num = paths.size
val ss = if (num == 1) "" else "s"
comment(s"starting $num test$ss in $kind")
val results = suiteRunner.runTestsForFiles(paths map (_.jfile.getAbsoluteFile), kind)
val results = runTestsForFiles(paths map (_.jfile.getAbsoluteFile), kind)
val (passed, failed) = results partition (_.isOk)

passedTests ++= passed
Expand All @@ -184,4 +200,87 @@ abstract class AbstractRunner {

def banner = {
val baseDir = fileManager.compilerUnderTest.parent.toString
def relativize(path: String) = path.replace(baseDir, s"$$baseDir").replace(PathSettings.srcDir.toString, "$sourceDir")
val vmBin = javaHome + fileSeparator + "bin"
val vmName = "%s (build %s, %s)".format(javaVmName, javaVmVersion, javaVmInfo)

s"""|Partest version: ${Properties.versionNumberString}
|Compiler under test: ${relativize(fileManager.compilerUnderTest.getAbsolutePath)}
|Scala version is: $versionMsg
|Scalac options are: ${(scalacExtraArgs ++ scalacOpts.split(' ')).mkString(" ")}
|Compilation Path: ${relativize(FileManager.joinPaths(fileManager.testClassPath))}
|Java binaries in: $vmBin
|Java runtime is: $vmName
|Java options are: $javaOpts
|baseDir: $baseDir
|sourceDir: ${PathSettings.srcDir}
// |Available processors: ${Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()}
// |Java Classpath: ${sys.props("java.class.path")}

def onFinishTest(testFile: File, result: TestState, durationMs: Long): TestState = {

def runTest(testFile: File): TestState = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val runner = new Runner(testFile, this, nestUI)
var stopwatchDuration: Option[Long] = None

// when option "--failed" is provided execute test only if log
// is present (which means it failed before)
val state =
if (config.optFailed && !runner.logFile.canRead)
else {
val (state, durationMs) =
catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error running $testFile", t)
stopwatchDuration = Some(durationMs)
nestUI.reportTest(state, runner, durationMs)
val end = System.nanoTime()
val durationMs = stopwatchDuration.getOrElse(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - start))
onFinishTest(testFile, state, durationMs)

def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String): Array[TestState] = {

val pool = Executors newFixedThreadPool PartestDefaults.numThreads
val futures = kindFiles map (f => pool submit callable(runTest(f.getAbsoluteFile)))

Try (pool.awaitTermination(PartestDefaults.waitTime) {
throw TimeoutException(PartestDefaults.waitTime)
}) match {
case Success(_) => futures map (_.get)
case Failure(e) =>
e match {
case TimeoutException(d) =>
nestUI.warning("Thread pool timeout elapsed before all tests were complete!")
case ie: InterruptedException =>
nestUI.warning("Thread pool was interrupted")
pool.shutdownNow() // little point in continuing
// try to get as many completions as possible, in case someone cares
val results = for (f <- futures) yield {
try {
Some(f.get(0, NANOSECONDS))
} catch {
case _: Throwable => None
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/ConsoleRunner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,8 @@ package
package nest

class ConsoleRunner(val config: RunnerSpec.Config) extends AbstractRunner {
val suiteRunner = new SuiteRunner (
testSourcePath = config.optSourcePath getOrElse PartestDefaults.sourcePath,
fileManager = new FileManager(ClassPath split PathResolver.Environment.javaUserClassPath map (Path(_))), // the script sets up our classpath for us via ant
updateCheck = config.optUpdateCheck,
failed = config.optFailed,
noexec = config.optNoExec,
nestUI = nestUI)
val testSourcePath = config.optSourcePath getOrElse PartestDefaults.sourcePath
val fileManager = new FileManager(ClassPath split PathResolver.Environment.javaUserClassPath map (Path(_))) // the script sets up our classpath for us via ant

object ConsoleRunner {
Expand Down
140 changes: 23 additions & 117 deletions src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ trait TestInfo {

/** Run a single test. Rubber meets road. */
class Runner(val testFile: File, val suiteRunner: SuiteRunner, val nestUI: NestUI) extends TestInfo {
class Runner(val testFile: File, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner, val nestUI: NestUI) extends TestInfo {
private val stopwatch = new Stopwatch()

import suiteRunner.{fileManager => fm, _}
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, val suiteRunner: SuiteRunner, val nestUI: NestU
def isEnumeratedTest = false

private var _lastState: TestState = null
private val _transcript = new TestTranscript
private val _transcript = new TestTranscript(nestUI.color)

def lastState = if (_lastState == null) Uninitialized(testFile) else _lastState
def setLastState(s: TestState) = _lastState = s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, val suiteRunner: SuiteRunner, val nestUI: NestU
// if diff is not empty, is update needed?
val updating: Option[Boolean] = (
if (diff == "") None
else Some(updateCheck)
else Some(config.optUpdateCheck)
pushTranscript(s"diff $checkFile $logFile")
nextTestAction(updating) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, val suiteRunner: SuiteRunner, val nestUI: NestU
val javaopts = readOptionsFile(argsFile)
val execInProcess = PartestDefaults.execInProcess && javaopts.isEmpty && !Set("specialized", "instrumented").contains(testFile.getParentFile.getName)
def exec() = if (execInProcess) execTestInProcess(outDir, logFile) else execTest(outDir, logFile)
def noexec() = suiteRunner.noexec && { setLastState(genSkip("no-exec: tests compiled but not run")) ; true }
def noexec() = suiteRunner.config.optNoExec && { setLastState(genSkip("no-exec: tests compiled but not run")) ; true }
runTestCommon(noexec() || exec() && diffIsOk)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -758,128 +758,16 @@ object Properties extends scala.util.PropertiesTrait {

/** Used by SBT- and ConsoleRunner for running a set of tests. */
class SuiteRunner(
val config: RunnerSpec.Config,
val testSourcePath: String, // relative path, like "files", or "pending"
val fileManager: FileManager,
val updateCheck: Boolean,
val failed: Boolean,
val noexec: Boolean,
val nestUI: NestUI,
val javaCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javaCmd,
val javacCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javacCmd,
val scalacExtraArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
val javaOpts: String = PartestDefaults.javaOpts,
val scalacOpts: String = PartestDefaults.scalacOpts) {

import PartestDefaults.{ numThreads, waitTime }


// TODO: make this immutable
PathSettings.testSourcePath = testSourcePath

val durations = collection.concurrent.TrieMap[File, Long]()

def banner = {
val baseDir = fileManager.compilerUnderTest.parent.toString
def relativize(path: String) = path.replace(baseDir, s"$$baseDir").replace(PathSettings.srcDir.toString, "$sourceDir")
val vmBin = javaHome + fileSeparator + "bin"
val vmName = "%s (build %s, %s)".format(javaVmName, javaVmVersion, javaVmInfo)

s"""|Partest version: ${Properties.versionNumberString}
|Compiler under test: ${relativize(fileManager.compilerUnderTest.getAbsolutePath)}
|Scala version is: $versionMsg
|Scalac options are: ${(scalacExtraArgs ++ scalacOpts.split(' ')).mkString(" ")}
|Compilation Path: ${relativize(joinPaths(fileManager.testClassPath))}
|Java binaries in: $vmBin
|Java runtime is: $vmName
|Java options are: $javaOpts
|baseDir: $baseDir
|sourceDir: ${PathSettings.srcDir}
// |Available processors: ${Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()}
// |Java Classpath: ${sys.props("java.class.path")}

def onFinishTest(testFile: File, result: TestState, durationMs: Long): TestState = {
durations(testFile) = durationMs

def runTest(testFile: File): TestState = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val runner = new Runner(testFile, this, nestUI)
var stopwatchDuration: Option[Long] = None

// when option "--failed" is provided execute test only if log
// is present (which means it failed before)
val state =
if (failed && !runner.logFile.canRead)
else {
val (state, durationMs) =
catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error running $testFile", t)
stopwatchDuration = Some(durationMs)
nestUI.reportTest(state, runner, durationMs)
val end = System.nanoTime()
val durationMs = stopwatchDuration.getOrElse(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - start))
onFinishTest(testFile, state, durationMs)

def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String): Array[TestState] = {

val pool = Executors newFixedThreadPool numThreads
val futures = kindFiles map (f => pool submit callable(runTest(f.getAbsoluteFile)))

Try (pool.awaitTermination(waitTime) {
throw TimeoutException(waitTime)
}) match {
case Success(_) => futures map (_.get)
case Failure(e) =>
e match {
case TimeoutException(d) =>
nestUI.warning("Thread pool timeout elapsed before all tests were complete!")
case ie: InterruptedException =>
nestUI.warning("Thread pool was interrupted")
pool.shutdownNow() // little point in continuing
// try to get as many completions as possible, in case someone cares
val results = for (f <- futures) yield {
try {
Some(f.get(0, NANOSECONDS))
} catch {
case _: Throwable => None

class TestTranscript {
private val buf = ListBuffer[String]()

def add(action: String): this.type = { buf += action ; this }
def append(text: String): Unit = { val s = buf.last ; buf.trimEnd(1) ; buf += (s + text) }

// Colorize prompts according to pass/fail
def fail: List[String] = {
import nestUI.color._
def pass(s: String) = bold(green("% ")) + s
def fail(s: String) = bold(red("% ")) + s
buf.toList match {
case Nil => Nil
case xs => (xs.init map pass) :+ fail(xs.last)

case class TimeoutException(duration: Duration) extends RuntimeException
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,3 +821,21 @@ object Output {

class TestTranscript(color: Colors) {
private val buf = ListBuffer[String]()

def add(action: String): this.type = { buf += action ; this }
def append(text: String): Unit = { val s = buf.last ; buf.trimEnd(1) ; buf += (s + text) }

// Colorize prompts according to pass/fail
def fail: List[String] = {
import color._
def pass(s: String) = bold(green("% ")) + s
def fail(s: String) = bold(red("% ")) + s
buf.toList match {
case Nil => Nil
case xs => (xs.init map pass) :+ fail(xs.last)

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