This directory contains all the files necessary to deploy simplest ERC20-like contract using Neon onto the Solana blockchain.
You should have nodejs and npm package manager installed on your system
NOTE: Currently Metamask plugin for Firefox not working with Neon, please use another browser
- Connect your metamask wallet to Neon Devnet using these settings:
- Network Name: Neon Devnet
- New RPC URL:
- Chain ID: 245022926
- Currency Symbol (optional): NEON
- Create new account in Metamask
- Airdrop at most 100 NEONs to just created account from here
- Copy your Metamask account private key (Account Details >> Export Private Key)
- Insert just copied private key into quotes in line 5 in file hardhat.config.js - NOTE Add 0x prefix in beginning
- Change current directory to simple-erc20. All the next steps will be executed considering this is your current directory.
- Install NPM packages:
npm i
- Compile contracts with hardhat:
npx hardhat compile
- Deploy ERC20 contract:
npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js
After this step you will get output like:
Deploying contracts with the account: 0xcB31Ce6E4Ff9E2C8f6CbB7044dd9529263a846De
Contract address is: 0x66eCCEe29F6FbDb055379A557f8fb7716964dF1a
Minting 100000000000 tokens...
Balance of deployer is: BigNumber { value: "100000000000" }
- Copy contract address got on the previous step and import it as an asset into Metamask (see for help)