SMBIOS: Macmini8,1 CPU: Intel i5-6500 Motherboard: GA-H170n-Wifi GPU: HD530 RAM: 16GB DDR4 2666 Mhz Wifi & Bluetooth: DW1560 OS: macOS Big Sur 11.4
What Works
Audio - HDMI, Rear and Front Ports
HDMI (1 at a time only) - up to 4k resolution
Airdrop and Wifi
What Does not work
DVI Port
Dual/Multiple display
Not Tested
This repo is for personal use only. No support is given but welcome to contribute on the "what does not work"
Important: Edit the Platform Info > MLB, Platform Info > SystemSerialNumber and Platform Info > SystemUUID .
<string>EDIT THIS</string>
<string>EDIT THIS</string>
<string>EDIT THIS</string>