Learn to build real world multi user SEO blog application in laravel and push to live server (shared hosting)
- extract the zip file
- cd projectname
- composer install
- If you get the error that says: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'newitbooks.categories' - Comment out all your routes! You can uncomment later.
- php artisan key:generate
- Create a database and inform .env
- php artisan migrate --seed to create and populate tables
- Inform config/mail.php for email sends
- php artisan vendor:publish to publish filemanager
- For users with Homestead: Map your site in homestead.yaml file and add the url to your host file - The steps are similar to what is shown in the first section of this course
- Run vagrant provision command to reprovision your machine - if you are using Homestead
- php artisan serve to start the app on http://localhost:8000/
- Add maigun domain and mailgun secret-key for mail function in .env
- In App/Config/services.php supply facebook app id and secret to use login with facebook feature