udemy-dl Public
Forked from r0oth3x49/udemy-dlA cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 14, 2021 -
sheetjs Public
Forked from SheetJS/sheetjs📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 8, 2021 -
egbin-power-leave-application Public
Forked from omobabello/egbin-power-leave-applicationRemote assessment for Egbin Power; An application to apply for leave, approve leave and view history of applications
Vue UpdatedJan 31, 2021 -
An application template that bootstraps react, react-redux, redux-persist and tailwind css together.
react-glider Public
Forked from kevinfarrugia/react-gliderA react wrapper for glider.js
TypeScript UpdatedOct 22, 2020 -
glide Public
Forked from glidejs/glideA dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2020 -
react-paystack Public
Forked from iamraphson/react-paystackReactJS library for implementing paystack payment gateway
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2020 -
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2020 -
Recoil Public
Forked from facebookexperimental/RecoilRecoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features o…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
react-form-wizard Public
Forked from philipappiah/react-form-wizardThis is a form wizard for React components based on core bootstrap framework
JavaScript UpdatedApr 21, 2020 -
react-form-validator-core Public
Forked from NewOldMax/react-form-validator-coreCore validator component for react forms
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2020 -