react-form-wizard comes bundled with bootstrap
In the project directory, you can run:
Usage in component.
import FormWizard from "react-form-wizard"
state = {
totalSteps: 2,
steps: {
1: "Add Profile Information",
2: "Add Contact Details",
stepsData: {
1: {
input: {
text: {
details: [
{ id: "fullname", label: "Fullname", required: true },
{ id: "lastname", label: "Lastname" },
required: true,
email: {
total: 1,
details: [{ id: "contact", label: "Contact" }],
select: {
details: [
id: "vat_status",
label: "VAT Registered",
options: ["Yes", "No"],
placeholder:"Select VAT status"
textarea: {
details: [
id: "termsAndAgreement",
label: "Terms and Agreement",
rows: "5",
cols: "30",
defaultValue: "This is our terms and agreement",
checkbox: {
details: [
id: "acceptterms",
label: "I have read and accepted the agreement",
2: {
input: {
text: {
details: [
{ id: "country", label: "Country" },
{ id: "region", label: "Region" },
render () {
return (
- steps = {each step with title or description }
- stepsData = {data to be shown on form e.g inputs, their names and types}
- totalSteps = {total number of steps}
- data = {returns current form values}
- submit = {returns final form values}
This project will continue to be maintained and it is expected to include more features.