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Merge release v20.11
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pixar-oss committed Oct 14, 2020
2 parents 71b4baa + edc7cde commit d8a405a
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Showing 912 changed files with 29,197 additions and 16,598 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Advanced Build Configuration
- [USD Developer Options](#usd-developer-options)
- [Optimization Options](#optimization-options)
- [Linker Options](#linker-options)
- [Build Issues FAQ](#build-issues-faq)

## Building With Build Script

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,3 +551,13 @@ to get the path to the library. We also link 'usd_m' separately so cmake
will add usd_m's interface link libraries, etc. This second instance
doesn't increase the resulting file size because all symbols will be
found in the first (-WHOLEARCHIVE) instance.

## Build Issues FAQ

We currently set Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON explicitly in USD builds for all
platforms to avoid issues with Boost config files (introduced in Boost version
1.70) and python, program options component requirements. If the user wants
to use Boost specified config files for their USD build, specify
-DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=OFF when running cmake.

254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,259 @@
# Change Log

## [20.11] - 2020-10-14

### Build
- Updated CMakeLists.txt to conform to recommended practice. (Issue #1241)
- The build system now sets `Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON` by default to
work around issues with boost's cmake files. (Issue #1255)

- Various fixes and changes to
- Added `--toolset` option for specifying CMake toolset. (PR #1325)
- Added `--prefer-safety-over-speed` and `--prefer-speed-over-safety`
options. See below for more details.
- Fixed issue with building libTIFF with Xcode 12. (PR #1315)

### USD
- Fixed incorrect underlying container type for TfHashMultiMap. (PR #1281)
- Fixed invalid conversions of Gf containers like GfVec3f in Python. Note this
issue is still present in Python 3. (Issue #1290)
- Fixed various tests to accommodate `PXR_OVERRIDE_PLUGINPATH_NAME`. (PR #1275)

- Added GetExternalAssetDependencies to SdfLayer and SdfFileFormat to allow
file format plugins to declare additional dependencies that determine when
a layer produced from that file format should be reloaded.

- Reduced memory usage from SdfPath::GetString and added SdfPath::GetAsString
and SdfPath::GetAsToken to avoid populating internal caches. (Issue #1287)

- Various fixes to composition behavior:
- Fixed issues with sub-root references, payloads, and inherits, and
ancestral variant selections.
- Fixed issue with payloads on ancestors of sub-root references/payloads.
- Fixed issue with combinations of root, sub-root, and ancestral inherits.

- Fixed bug in .usda file writer that could cause data corruption. (Issue #1331)
- Fixed performance issue when writing many relationship targets or attribute
connections to .usdc files. (Issue #1345)

- Improved performance for certain queries with .usdc files. In one example,
this decreased draw times in usdview after transform changes by ~90%.
(Issue #1300)

- New .usdc files now default to version 0.8.0. These files cannot be read in
USD releases prior to v19.03. Users can revert to writing older versions by
setting the environment variable `USD_WRITE_NEW_USDC_FILES_AS_VERSION` to an
older version.

- Added safety checks to guard against reading malformed .usdc files. These
checks may negatively impact performance and may be disabled by specifying
`--prefer-speed-over-safety` with

- Native instancing "master" prims are now referred to as "prototype" prims.
The generated paths of prototype prims has been changed from /__Master_<X>
to /__Prototype_<X>. Clients can use new UsdPrim::IsPrototypePath and
UsdPrim::IsPathInPrototype API to determine if a given path is related
to a prototype.

UsdStage and UsdPrim API using "master" terminology like UsdPrim::GetMaster
and UsdStage::GetMasters have been deprecated and will be removed in a future

- Added Get/Set/ClearChildrenReorder to UsdPrim for reordering prim children.
- UsdProperty::FlattenTo now allows flattening properties across stages.
- Deprecated UsdRelationship::BlockTargets and UsdAttribute::BlockConnections.
Clients should use SetTargets({}) and SetConnections({}) instead.
- Changed UsdRelationship::GetTargets and UsdAttribute::GetConnections to return
false when HasAuthored would return false.
- Fixed bug where UsdFlattenLayerStack was not applying the asset path
resolution callback to asset paths in `clips` metadata. (PR #1266)
- Added UsdNotice::LayerMutingChanged notice. (Issue #676)
- Fixed resource leak with Usd.PrimCompositionQuery in Python. (PR #1297)
- Fixed crashes when printing expired Sdf.Layer and Usd.Stage objects in
Python. (PR #1012)
- Removed `isPrivateApply` functionality from schema generation.
- Fixed error in UsdUtilsComputeAllDependencies when an invalid
templateAssetPath value is specified. (PR #1289)
- Improved UsdUtilsGetPrimaryUVSetName and UsdUtilsGetPrefName. (PR #1283)
- Fixed bug in UsdUtilsStitchClips that led to inconsistent stitched results.

- Added CanContainPropertyName to UsdCollectionAPI, UsdGeomPrimvars,
UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI, and UsdShadeCoordSysAPI for checking if a
property name is valid for these schemas.

- Deprecated UsdCollectionAPI::ApplyCollection in favor of Apply.
- Added fallback values for texture card attributes on UsdGeomModelAPI schema.
- Added exposure control to UsdGeomCamera.
- Added ease-of-use API to UsdGeom primitives for querying the size of primary
geometric properties (e.g. UsdGeomMesh::GetFaceCount).
- Fixed plugin extent computations for primitives in UsdGeom to respect
given timecode parameter. (PR #1284)
- Fixed crash in UsdGeomSubset::GetUnassignedIndices when a given subset had
negative indices. (Issue #1227)
- Added UsdShadeNodeDefAPI schema to represent connectable nodes in a graph.
UsdShadeShader has been modified to build off of this schema.
- Added UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior to allow plugins to customize
connectability by prim type.
- Added API to retrieve material outputs for standard terminals in all
render contexts on UsdShadeMaterial.
- Added more instancing support to UsdSkel. (PR #1258)
- Updated UsdVol FieldAsset schemas.
- Various documentation fixes. (Issue #1162, PR #1335)

### Imaging
- Added new "sourceColorSpace" input to UsdUVTexture with values "raw", "sRGB",
and "auto" for better control of with which color space a texture is read.
- Added ability to use mip maps authored in a file in the new texture system in
- Added UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ShouldIgnoreNativeInstanceSubtrees() to allow
adapters to disable instancing of itself and its descendants.
- Added pre-multiply alpha functionality for UDIM textures. Also added sRGB
internal formats for UDIMs.
- Added checks in HioGlslfxConfig to make sure the default value for an
attribute and its type match.
- Added HdEngine::ClearTaskContextData() to avoid the task context to hold on to
resources that are about to become invalid as the render delegate is destroyed.
- Added HDST_DUMP_FAILING_SHADER_SOURCEFILE debug flag to facilitate shader
- Added texture filepath resolution for symlinks.
- Added an "outHitNormal" parameter to UsdImagingGLEngine::TestIntersection().
- Added ReloadResource in Storm which reloads shader files when they change.

- Improvements to Hgi:
- Added Draw, DrawIndirect and DrawIndexedIndirect to Hgi and backends.
- Added tracking of HgiCmds submission to ensure they only get submitted once.
- Added TextureCpuToGpu copy on BlitCmd, and CopyBufferGpuToCpu to read back
the GPU frustum cull results.
- Added guarantees that HgiGLInterop will restore GL state after interop.
- Added guarantees that Hgi GPU-GPU sync between SubmitCmds calls.
- Added TextureView to Hgi and convert domelight to use Hgi compute and
texture views.
- Added staging buffer in Hgi to reduce the amount of times small amounts of
data are copied into the same GPU buffer.
- Added HgiPrimitiveType, and added HgiSampleCount on HgiPipelineDesc.
- Added support for BC texture compression.
- Added component mapping to HgiTextureDesc and implementations for GL and
- Added ability to share HgiCmds objects in Storm.
- Added optional wait behavior for command submission in Hgi.

- Changed GLenum usage in GlfBaseTextureData and others to use new HioFormat.
- Changed Storm's frustum culling to be done via a vertex shader without a
fragment shader.
- Changed HdxShadowTask to specify that it should only render opaque and masked
- Changed cards UVs from face-varying to vertex interpolated.
- Changed to GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE when using alpha to coverage, the alpha
computed after the framebuffer resolve is more meaningful.
- Changed texture cards to require prims with UsdGeomModelAPI schema applied.
- Changed type of UsdPrimvarReader.varname input from token to string.
- Renamed various HdSt*GL classes to just HdSt*, this is part of the transition
of Storm to support multiple rendering APIs.
- Enabled bindless shadow maps by default in Storm.
- On first material sync in Storm, now we try to batch prims with identical
textures together.
- HdStDrawTarget's preferred mechanism are AOVs not GlfDrawTarget's. This change
allows us to remove all GlfDrawTarget support from HdStDrawTarget.
- Since HdStDrawTarget's no longer rely on the resolve task, removing code to
communicate the draw target task render passes to the resolve task.
- Deprecated HdSceneDelegate::GetTextureResource and will eventually be removed.
- An application can now disable the PresentTask in hdx task controller.
- When imaging basis curves, treat empty normals array the same as missing
normals (i.e. draw as tube and not ribbon at higher complexities).
- Store HgiResourceBindings and HgiPipeline objects on HdSt resource registry.
- Switched (most of) the GPU frustum culling code from raw GL to Hgi.
- With the addition of HgiMetal, all platforms we currently support (for Storm)
support color correction and 16F targets.
- Use BufferResource for GPU frustum cull result buffer so we can use the
regular buffer binding APIs.
- Load mipmap data in HgiMetal textures.
- Changed signature of HgiDataSizeOfFormat so that it can return blockWidth and
blockHeight. Returning block size in bytes for compressed formats.
- Describe shader constants (push constants) in pipeline.
- Using HgiCompute in smooth normals computation, switched flat normals and
quadrangulate to HgiCompute, and converted HdStExtCompGpuComputation to Hgi.

- Removed UsdImaging value cache API for all data except primvar descriptors and
instance indices.
- Removed unused hitMode field from HdxPickTaskContextParams.
- Removed UsdImagingGLEngine::InvalidateBuffers().
- Removed pre-multiply alpha behavior from volume.glslfx and changed
renderPass.glslfx to allow fully transparent but still emissive volumes.
- Removed pre-multiply alpha behavior from stb_image and make it optional via
SubtextureIdentifier within the HdSt texture system.
- Removed support of old-style draw targets using GlfDrawTarget instead of AOVs
and render buffers.
- Removed UsdUvTexture's rgba output, and updated the cards draw mode to now use
"rgb" and "a" outputs rather than rgba.
- Removed ReloadAllShaders from HdEngine.
- Removed HD_DRAWITEM_DRAWN as it uses raw gl calls that map/unmap a buffer.
- Removed HgiPipelineType. We split HgiPipeline into HgiComputePipeline and
HgiGraphicsPipeline a little bit ago.
- Removed resource bindings handle from pipeline.
- Removed smooth normals CPU fallback path. Since previous releases required
OpenGL 4.5 for Hgi to work, OpenGL compute must always be available.
- Removed HdBinding::TBO.
- Removed the implicit barriers from Hgi and let the external client manage
synchronization via SubmitCmds.

- Fixed potential dead-lock caused by parallel loading plugins.
- Fixed lights to be turned off when invisible in UsdImaging.
- Fixed issue with UsdImagingGLEngine::TestIntersection such that it now
correctly populates. Callers of this function are reminded to provide the
"frame" field in UsdImagingGLRenderParams for correct and performant results.
- Fixed handling of computed primvar sources for meshes.
- Fixed normals after complexity change.
- Fixed HgiGL garbage collector leak when Hgi is recreated during process.
- Fixed HgiGL to better protect against long labels when using glObjectLabel.
- Fixed render settings behaviors so we test whether or not we're really
changing anything before incrementing the settings version.
- Fixed for cycle detection in material network processing.
- Fixed Glf lighting resource binding.
- Fixed USD edit dependency tracking for cards prims.

- Updated UsdPreviewSurface clearcoat calculations to better match expected
inputs for a specular lobe in Storm, and added clearcoat component to indirect
lighting calculation in Storm. (Issue #1307)
- Added support for UsdPreviewSurface's opacityThreshold parameter in
Storm. (Issue #990)
- Added support for normal mapping for UsdPreviewSurfaces in Storm. (Issue #701)
- Metallic materials should have an F0 equal to their base color in
UsdPreviewSurface in Storm. (Issue #1174)

- Removed pre-multiplication behavior from OIT resolve shader. The preview
surface (and other shaders) pre-multiply within the fragment shader (unless
the "diffuseColor" and "opacity" params are connected to the same
texture). (Issue #1269)

- Added support for UDIM texture scale and bias in Storm. (Issue #1129)
- Converted render index to usdImaging cachePath before calling the adapter
InvokeComputation method. (Issue #1333)
- Fix draw mode adapter handling of transforms for instanced card prims. (Issue #1251)
- _IsVarying no longer clears dirty bit and now ProcessPropertyChange is filled
out to provide more efficiency. (Issue #1250)

### usdview
- Added 'Enable Scene Lights' option.
- Changed UI to use bundled Roboto and Roboto Mono fonts.
- Fixed build issues due to stricter checks in PySide2 5.15.1. (PR #1320)

### Alembic Plugin
- Alembic uv's are now converted to texCoord2f[] primvars:st. This can
be disabled by setting the `USD_ABC_WRITE_UV_AS_ST_TEXCOORD2FARRAY`
environment variable to 0.

### RenderMan Plugin
- Fixed infinite loop in material processing.
- Initial implementation of exposure.
- Volumes can react to changes to a field prim.
- Fixed UsdUVTexture wrap mode support.
- Add support for UsdPreviewSurface's opacityThreshold param in HdPrman. (Issue #990)
- Updated UsdPreviewSurface clearcoat calculations to better match expected
inputs for a specular lobe in HdPrman. (Issue #1307)
- Metallic materials should have an F0 equal to their base color in
UsdPreviewSurface in HdPrman. (Issue #1174)

## [20.08] - 2020-07-21

### Build
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)


if (WIN32)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Compiler does not support 64-bit builds. "
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -508,3 +508,17 @@ Draco
USD bundles Draco, which is available under the Apache 2.0 license. For details,

Roboto Fonts
USD bundles Roboto fonts, which is available under the Apache 2.0 license.
For details, see

Roboto Mono Fonts
USD bundles Roboto Mono fonts, which is available under the Apache 2.0 license.
For details, see
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Set the environment variables specified by the script when it finishes and
launch ```usdview``` with a sample asset.

> usdview extras/usd/tutorials/convertingLayerFormats/Sphere.usda
> usdview USD/extras/usd/tutorials/convertingLayerFormats/Sphere.usda

Expand Down

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