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Merge release v21.11
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pixar-oss committed Nov 1, 2021
2 parents 7a5f8c4 + f3754bf commit faed18c
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@@ -1,5 +1,338 @@
# Change Log

## [21.11] - 2021-11-01

Ar 2.0 is enabled by default as of this release. Ar 1.0 is deprecated and will
be removed in a subsequent release. During this transition, Ar 1.0 may still be
enabled by setting `PXR_USE_AR_2=OFF` when running CMake.

### Build
- Added support for building against debug versions of Python. Users must
specify `PXR_USE_DEBUG_PYTHON=ON` when running CMake.
(PR: [#1478](

- Libraries now use @loader_path instead of absolute paths for RPATHs on macOS.
(PR: [#1478](

- Libraries are now prefixed with "libusd_" on Linux and macOS and "usd_" on
Windows to avoid name conflicts with other packages. The previous behavior can
be restored by setting `PXR_LIB_PREFIX="lib"` on Linux and macOS or
`PXR_LIB_PREFIX=""` on Windows when running CMake.
(Issue: [#1615](

- Changes and fixes to
- Added `--debug-python` and `--build-python-info` options to enable builds
against debug versions of Python and to control Python to build against.
(PR: [#1478](
- Added `--use-cpp11-abi` option on Linux to control defininition of
`_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI` when building USD and dependencies.
(Issue: [#1609](
- Replaced `--debug` option with `--build-variant`.
- Updated download locations for boost, libtiff, and libpng to avoid
certificate expiration issues on systems with OpenSSL older than 1.1.0.
- Updated Blosc to v1.20.1 for compatibility with macOS Catalina (10.15).
- Fixed issue where the OpenEXR libraries would be installed in the root of
the filesystem.
(PR: [#1575](

### USD
- Fixed deadlock in NdrRegistry::GetNodesByFamily.

- Changes for Ar 2.0:
- ArResolver::CreateDefaultContextForAsset now gives all registered resolvers
an opportunity to provide a default context for an asset.
- ArResolver::GetModificationTimestamp now returns an ArTimestamp object
instead of a VtValue. ArTimestamp requires the use of Unix time to
facilitate asset comparisons across resolvers.
- Added default implementations for ArResolver::GetExtension and
GetModificationTimestamp to simplify resolver implementations.
- Added UsdResolverExample, an example URI resolver implementation.
- Added more documentation.

- Deprecated SdfLayer::GetExternalReferences and UpdateExternalReference in
favor of GetCompositionAssetDependencies and UpdateCompositionAssetDependency.

- SdfLayer no longer treats the inability to retrieve a timestamp for a layer or
its external asset dependencies as an error under Ar 2.0. Calls to
SdfLayer::Reload will always reload layers with invalid timestamps.

- Updated SdfCreateVariantInLayer and SdfCreatePrimInLayer to use "prepend" when
creating new variant sets.
(Issue: [#1552](

- Added support for Unicode asset paths on Windows.
(Issue: [#1443](,
PR: [#1580](

- Fixed bug that caused errors when reading large .usda files.

- Code invoked from Python that accesses invalid UsdPrim objects in C++ will now
emit a Python exception instead of crashing.

- Fixed issue where ArResolver::OpenAsset would be called multiple times when
opening an ASCII .usd file or a .usdz file.
(Issue: [#1613](

- Fixed bugs in gfGenCode and usdGenSchema where file objects were not closed,
leading to ResourceWarnings from Python.
(PR: [#1557](

- Updated usdGenSchema to mark plugInfo as a resource instead of a library when
codeless schemas are being generated via skipCodeGen option.

- Fixed bugs where changes to a layer's resolved path would not trigger
recomposition of prims when needed.

- Fixed bug that caused crashes during composition.
(PR: [#1568](

- Fixed bug where UsdNotice::ObjectsChanged notice emitted after call to
UsdStage::Reload would contain pointers to destroyed objects.
(Issue: [#1605](

- Fixed bug where UsdUtilsComplianceChecker returned a false error due to not
recognizing the `UsdTransform2d` shader.
(PR: [#1625](

- Fixed issue where UsdUtilsExtractExternalReferences would mutate the input
layer unnecessarily.
(Issue: [#1573](

- Added UsdGeomVisibilityAPI. This schema provides attributes to control prim
visibility based on the "purpose" attribute from the UsdGeomImageable schema.
It will eventually be the place where primary visibility and purpose are also
housed and authored.

- Added UsdGeomImageable::ComputeEffectiveVisibility for computing purpose

- Removed unused UsdGeomImageable::ComputeVisibility overload that took a
parentVisibility parameter.

- Fixed broken Python bindings for UsdPhysics on Windows under Python 3.8+.

- Fixed missing Python bindings and "kilogramsPerUnit" metadata in UsdPhysics.
(PR: [#1606](

- Deleted many previously deprecated UsdRi schema classes, namely, UsdRiRisBxdf,
UsdRiRisIntegrator, UsdRiRisObject, UsdRiRisOslPattern, UsdRiRisPattern,
UsdRiRslShader and all UsdRiLight and UsdRiLightFilters which are now part of
the usdRiPxr schema domain.

- Updated connectedAPIBehavior so that APISchemas can now provide
connectableAPIBehavior by explicitly registering a new behavior associated
with the APISchemaType or by providing plug metadata to configure the
connectability behavior. Note that the latter can be used for codeless

- Fixed a couple of rare bugs associated with UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior and
UsdGeomComputeExtentFunction, resulting in robust behavior when new plugins
are registered.

- Updated UsdUtilsUpdateSchemaWithSdrNodes to include new concepts like addition
of shaderId attribute to the generated schema classes, provide
apiSchemaCanOnlyApplyTo, and provide ability to control
UsdShadeConnectableAPIBehavior using metadata on the sdrNodes. Refer to the
updated documentation for more details.

- Updated usdgenschemafromsdr to be able to provide sdr nodes via explicit asset
paths and to parse and add renderContext related information from the json

- Added support for different Sdr to Sdf type mappings. Introducimg a new
"sdrUsdDefinitionType" metadata field for sdrShaderProperty, which is used to
distinguish between sdrDefaultValue and equivalent sdfTypeDefaultValue. Note
that for backward compatibility SdrShaderProperty::GetDefaultValue currently
returns the same value as SdrShaderProperty::GetSdfTypeDefaultValue, this is
guarded by an environment variable "SDR_DEFAULT_VALUE_AS_SDF_DEFAULT_VALUE".

- Single apply API schemas can now include built-in API schemas and can auto
apply to other single apply API schemas. API schemas are now only allowed to
inherit directly from UsdAPISchemaBase.

- Applied API schemas can no longer inherit from other other applied API
schemas, which allows UsdPrim::HasAPI() to be a much faster query. Non-applied
schemas may still inherit from other non-applied schemas.

- Added UsdLuxLightAPI, which can be applied to geometry to create a light.
UsdLuxLight has been deleted. Added the applied API schemas UsdLuxMeshLightAPI
and UsdLuxVolumeLightAPI, which include UsdLuxLightAPI as a builtin.
- The core lights UsdLuxCylinderLight, UsdLuxDiskLight, UsdLuxRectLight,
UsdLuxSphereLight, and UsdLuxPortalLight all inherit from from
UsdLuxBoundableLightBase, are now Boundable, and have extents/bbox
- The core lights UsdLuxDomeLight and UsdLuxDistantLight now inherit from
UsdLuxNonboundableLightBase and are not Boundable.
- Deprecated UsdLuxGeometryLight
- Deleted deprecated UsdLuxLightPortal (use UsdLuxPortalLight instead).
- Fixed issue where UsdLux would register default SdrShaderNodes with 'USD'
source types for lights defined outside of UsdLux.
- Default SdrShaderNodes registered for UsdLux lights now include shadow and
shaping API properties.

### Imaging
- First iteration of the Scene Index and Data Source system is now on by default
and compatible with existing scene and render delegates via emulation. No new
functionality is yet exposed as this is thus far intended to validate
correctness and performance. This can be disabled by setting an
HD_ENABLE_SCENE_INDEX_EMULATION environmental variable to "0".

- Changed the return type of UsdImagingDelegate::Get() for the point instancer
"rotate" attribute from GfVec4f (quaternion layout of <real, i, j, k>) to
GfQuath (quaternion layout of <i, j, k, real>). This aligns with the result
of SamplePrimvar(). In hdStorm, the quaternion data is now transported to the
GPU as half-float data, instead of float.
All custom scene delegates supplying the instancer "rotate" primvar via the
Get() API must be updated for the new quaternion layout.

- Added half-float vec2 and vec4 primvar support to hdStorm.

- Added support to UsdImaging for new LightAPI features.

- Added sprim-sprim dependency map to HdChangeTracker so it can track the
dependencies between lights and their light filters.

- UsdImagingMeshAdapter only keeps track of geom subsets that are using the
materialBind family.

- UsdImaging internally manages which prims to call UpdateForTime on, instead of
relying on hydra to maintain that list.

- Extended HdxTaskController to support built-in lights for backends like

- When filtering primvars by material in UsdImagingGprimAdapter, added filtering
using materials bound to geom subsets.

- Improved dirty list management and performance including moving to a single
dirty list managed by the render index.

- Deleted PrimvarDescCache::Extract and GarbageCollect, and

- Deleted HdRenderPass::Prepare.

- Improved UsdImagingDelegate performance when editing many instances of the
same prototype.
(PR: [#1608](

- Updated stb_image code to latest versions, enable UTF-8 filename support for
(PR: [#1580](

- Fixed sync valid repr tokens just once for Rprims.

- Fixed memory leak in HioOpenVDB.

- Fixed HioOpenVDB build on windows.
(PR: [#1574](

- Fixed errors when trying to read udims from .usdz files.
(Issue: [#1558](

- Fixed HdResampleRawTimeSamples() parameter bug and add test coverage.
(Issue: [#1549](

- Fixed crash when processing multiple native instancer edits in the same frame.
(Issue: [#1551](

- Fixed GprimAdapter::_AddRprim material resolution order to be consistent with
other functions.
(Issue: [#1626](

- Fixed to not normalize point instancer quaternions.
(Issue: [#1505](

### Storm
- Added support for rendering meshes with geom subsets.

- Added support for rendering DomeLights as a skydome.
(Issue: [#1385](

- Added support to rendering BasisCurves that don't completely cover the
supplied points or other primvars.

- Added support for "constant shading" of basis curves wherein they're
unaffected by lighting.

- Added support for screen-space flat normals.

- Improved 1st order approximations of the basic area lights (SphereLight,
DiskLight, RectLight, DistantLight, and CylinderLight).

- Moved barycentric coord generation to codeGen.

- Consolidated edge param calculations.

- Implemented IsValid() for HdStUdimTextureObject.

- Sync visibility once per-Rprim sync rather than per draw item.

- Even if there are zero lights, prims should still use the lighting integrator,
specifically the one specified by their shader key.

- Moved bindless address fetch out of HdStBufferResource.

- Changing the type storing the volume shader glslfx source code and material
params in an HdStMaterial from HdStShaderCode to struct

- When a scene delegate provides a network without volume output for a material
used by a volume, use the volume fallback shader.

- Removed IsFragmentOnPoint() and IsFragmentOnEdge() shader methods.

- Renamed HdStSurfaceShader to HdSt_MaterialNetworkShader.

- Fixed domelights to respond to visibility changes.

- Fixed crash when UDIM textures are missing.

- Fixed to support all sizes of domelight textures.

- Fixed GS smooth fvar interp for displacement

- Fixed GL version test to include minor version.
(Issues: [#957]( and

- Various improvements to Hgi:
- Moved bindless texture management to HgiGL.
- Exposed general and device specific capabilities.
- Improved staging buffer for unified memory devices.
- Use shaderc to compile GLSL to SPIR-V in HgiVulkan.
- Check buffer storage mode before blit sync in HgiMetal.

### RenderMan Hydra Plugin
- Added support for UsdPreviewSurface's displacement in HdPrman.

- Added support for UsdUvTexture's "sourceColorSpace" input and fixed normal

- Added support for additional clip planes.

- Added flipped flag to RtxHioImage plugin.

- Adjusted HdPrman's fallback volume shader to match Storm's.

- Introduced codeless usdRiPxr schema domain for RenderMan lights and
lightfilters. These are generated using usdgenschemfromsdr from rman light and
lightfilter args files. Note that these schemas are compatible with RenderMan

- Removed use of "allowPresenceWithGlass" from UsdPreviewSurfaceParameters node.

- RtxHioImage can convert various texture formats to type float, so they can be
passed to Renderman.
(Issue: [#1313](

- Fixed HdPrman's fallback maxSamples to match the RenderMan fallback (64).

### MaterialX
- Updating the arguments passed into mx::loadLibraries to better accommodate
relocating the MaterialX libraries folder.
(Issue: [#1586](

## [21.08] - 2021-07-15

Ar 2.0 is feature-complete as of this release. We anticipate addressing
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Our test machines have the following software versions installed

| Software | Linux | macOS | Windows |
| ------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| OS | CentOS Linux 7 | 10.14.6 | Windows 10 |
| C++ Compiler | gcc 6.3.1 | Apple LLVM 10.0.0 (Xcode 10.1) | MSVC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) |
| OS | CentOS Linux 7 | 10.15.7 | Windows 10 |
| C++ Compiler | gcc 6.3.1 | Apple clang 11.0.3 (Xcode 11.7) | MSVC 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) |
| CMake | 3.14.6 | 3.16.5 | 3.16.5 |
| Python | 2.7.16, 3.6.8 | 2.7.10, 3.7.7 | 2.7.12, 3.7.4, 3.8.10 |
| Boost | 1.66.0, 1.70.0 | 1.70.0 | 1.70.0 |
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