HippyJava is a Java library for making bots for HipChat. It uses the Smack API to communicate with Hipchat's XMPP server and it also supports Hipchat's HTTP protocol.
Its easy to make a Hipchat bot in HippyJava!
This package can be found the Boxtrot Studio maven repo. Add the following to your project's pom to add the repo
or if you're using gradle
repositories {
maven { url "https://repo.boxtrotstudio.com/maven"}
once the repo is added, you can simply install the package by adding the following to your project's pom file
or if you're using gradle
compile 'com.ep.hippyjava:HippyJava:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
- Multi-room Chatting [XMPP]
- Private Messaging [XMPP / HTTP]
- Retrieving User Data [HTTP]
- Notification Sending [HTTP]
You can check out the wiki for tutorials/how-to's
If you would like to contribute to this project, simply fork the repo and send a pull request. Please test your pull request and please try to keep your code neat.
The source has a maven script for required dependencies, so just run 'mvn clean install' in the project folder.