Making OAuth 2 provider and authentication with http bearer as simple as possible for Elixir and Phoenix apps
A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
(Sun Rised!) Flutter plugin for In App Purchase.
Elixir client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
API service which notify you that some monitoring value changed.
Phoenix Framework WebSocket (without DB) chat example.
projectionist.vim: Granular project configuration
Vim plugin for working with the Phoenix framework
Create reports based on your log files. Supports Rails, Apache, MySQL, Delayed::Job, and other formats.
An open source iOS component to create a drawing app
ecpplus / iOSEmoji
Forked from punchdrunker/iOSEmojiinformation about unicode6 emoji used in iOS5
information about unicode6 emoji used in iOS5
An implementation of the sliding menu found in various iOS apps.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
(Ruby) To avoid to run the same batch at the same time. You can use this for script/runner
Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data!
Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C