An on-board display system for autonomous driving, including surrounding traffic environment, front and back camera images, speedometer, turn singal and speed limit reminder.
We use those models to get environment infomation:
- SparseDrive (detection, vector map, motion planning)
- StreamPETR (detection)
- BEVFormer (dectction, segmentation map)
- car
- truck
- bus
- pedestrian
- motorcycle
- traffic_cone
conda create -n cargui python=3.9
conda activate cargui
Install Packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ubuntu requires opencv-headless
pip install opencv-python-headless
To set up the required environment for working with datasets, install the following packages:
Install nuScenes Devkit:
pip install nuscenes-devkit
check config.yaml
- "3d" for 3d bbox only
- "2d" for 2d bbox only
- "seg" (BEVFormer) for segmemtation bev map + 3d bbox
- "vec" (SparseDrive) for vector map + 3d bbox + motion preditcion
ip, port: receiver client ip
one frame data example:
3d mode:
'CAM_FRONT': str,
'CAM_BACK': str
'x': float,
'y': float,
'cls': str,
'ang': float
}, ...]
'speed': float, # optional
'steering': float # optional
img (dict)
all image shape should be resize to (470, 264) and encoded by base64 -
obj (list of dicts)
all object of current frame, x y are object world coordinate, and should be normalized to -0.5 ~ 0.5, cls is in one of available classes we mention above, ang is object heading angle -
speed (optional)
ego car speed -
steering (optional)
ego car steering
using TCP to connent GUI client and send single frame data
import socket
import json
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect((${CLIENT_IP}$, ${CLIENT_PORT}$))
preparing single frame data...
data_send = json.dumps(data_send).encode("utf-8")
data_send += ("\0").encode("utf-8")
for i in range(0, len(data_send), MAX_CHUNK_SIZE):
client_socket.sendall(data_send[i : i + MAX_CHUNK_SIZE])
you can refer sender/ for more detail