KGTech repair app version 2 - is an application which provides business management repair orders system for KGTech company with an addition of more features than version 1.
- login functionality
- registration functionality
- repair orders management
- invoices management
- repair requests management
- employees management
- customers management
- users management
- security functionality
- user roles restriction management
- customers and employees statistic analysis
- notification functionality
- subscriptions and contact management
- etc
- AWS S3 bucket - Storing images
- MongoDB Atlas - Database
- JSON Web Tokens - Security service (access tokens and refresh tokens)
- Git and GitHub - Code version control, Store and Sharing code
- onRender - App Deployement and Hosting
- Reactjs - Frontend Framework
- Expressjs - Backend Framework
- Nodejs - Javascript Runtime Environment
- Javascript, JSX, HTML, CSS - Languages
- Chrome, FireFox - Browsers
- Redux - State Management
- RKT Query - Data fetching and Catching
- etc
- Replacing kGTech version 1 which was only focusing on replacing sticky note system
- Add a standard public facing page with KGTech infos (Home page)
- Desktop mode is most important but should be available in mobile
- Add customer registration to the application
- Add employee registration portal to the application
- Add customer and employee login to the application
- Provide a welcome dashboard after login
- Provide short statistic analysis on dashboard
- Provide sideBar
- Provide easy navigation
- Display current user and assigned role
- Provide a logout option
- User Account Profile page
- Allow app users to update the account profile settings
- Require employees to login at least once per week
- Provide a way to remove user access asap if needed (only active users have access)
- Users of the application can be general Users, Customers, Employees, Managers, or Admins
- Repair orders are assigned to specific employees
- REPAIR ORDERS have a ticket #, customer username, employee created & employee assigned usernames, device type, serial number, brand, issue description, status, created & updated dates
- Repair orders are either PROCESSED or AWAITING
- Repair orders can only be created, edited or deleted by employeees
- REPAIR REQUESTS have a ticket #, customer username, device type, serial number, brand, issue description, status, created & updated dates
- Repair requests are either PROCESSED or AWAITING
- INVOICES have a ticket #, rapair order id, customer username, employee assigned username, device type, serial number, total amount, status, created & updated dates
- Invoices are either PAID or UNPAID
- GENERAL USERS have a username, password, roles, status, created & updated dates
- General users are either ACTIVE or INACTIVE
- CUSTOMERS have a username, fullname, phone number, email, password, expertises, roles, status, created & updated dates
- Customers are either ACTIVE or INACTIVE
- Customers can create, edit, view or delete repair request with their usernames.
- Customers can view only repair orders, repair repair requests, invoices with their usernames
- EMPLOYEES(general employees, managers, admins) have a username, fullname, phone number, email, password, expertises, roles, status, created & updated dates
- Employees are either ACTIVE or INACTIVE
- Employees can create, edit, delete or view repair orders, invoices
- Employees can only view or edit repair requests
- Only Employees have access to customers settings
- Employees can create, edit, delete or view customers
- Only Managers or Admins can create, edit, delete or view employees and general users
- Only Managers or Admins can view employees and customers staitstics analysis
- Only Managers or Admins have access to users and employees settings
- Provide Computer Repairs pages
- Provide Data Recovery, Support, Parts Pages
- Provide About Us, Contact Us pages
- Provide Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy pages
- Provide Social Media (facebook, twitter X, instagram, linkedin) platforms Links