The embedder app user a library iframe-resizer to handle resizing of the page inside the iframe and to make the iframe functional we need to include that as a script in the page that has iframe.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The detailed usage of the methods of this library is described in the examples given below. Best option is to use it as it is in the example html pages.
Free width and height (100vh, 100vw)
A specific width and height. e.g 1280px * 720px
There are just 2 differences:
- Need to specify the height and width of iframe in styles.
- Explicitly specify the height of iframe in the source of iframe in side the query param 'h' e.g. src=""
Calling functionalities from inside the Iframe.
There are a few buttons in the page that call the methods from inside the Iframe. We need send a cerrtain message to iframe, iframe reads that message and performs the functionalities accordingly.
Select first artwork
function selectArtwork() { sendMessageToIframe('selectArtwork') }
Collapse Iframe
function collapseIframe() { sendMessageToIframe('collapseIframe') }
Open Iframe
function openIframe() { sendMessageToIframe('openIframe') }
Go to Artwork (id)
artworkId is the id of the artwork to open.
function gotToArtwork() { sendMessageToIframe(JSON.stringify({type: 'gotToArtwork', artworkId: 9053})) }
Go to Artwork (id) and open iframe
artworkId is the id of the artwork to open.
function gotoArtworkandOpenIframe() { sendMessageToIframe(JSON.stringify({type: 'gotoArtworkandOpenIframe', artworkId: 9053})) }
We have provided an example to do so in the Example here