- Italy
(UTC +01:00) - edoardottt.com
- in/edoardoottavianelli
pphack Public
The Most Advanced Client-Side Prototype Pollution Scanner
List of companies that hire security people full remote.
A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more
secfiles Public
My useful files for penetration tests, security assessments, bug bounty and other security related stuff
csprecon Public
Discover new target domains using Content Security Policy
favirecon Public
Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase. Quickly detect technologies, WAF, exposed panels, known services.
missing-cve-nuclei-templates Public
Weekly updated list of missing CVEs in nuclei templates official repository. Mainly built for bug bounty, but useful for penetration tests and vulnerability assessments too.
takeover Public
Forked from jaikishantulswani/takeoverSub-Domain TakeOver Vulnerability Scanner (edoardottt fork)
images Public
🖼️Images for edoardottt's repositories🖼️
boggart Public
Highly customizable low-interaction experimental honeypot that mimics specific hosts.
pwdsafety Public
đź”’command line tool checking password safetyđź”’
cariddi Public
Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more
scilla Public
Information Gathering tool - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration
nuclei-templates Public
Forked from projectdiscovery/nuclei-templatesCommunity curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2024 -
defango Public
URL / IP / Email defanging with Golang. Make IoC harmless.
go-readingtime Public
Estimate how long it takes to read a text
depsdev Public
CLI client (and Golang module) for deps.dev API. Free access to dependencies, licenses, advisories, and other critical health and security signals for open source package versions.
gonesis Public
Generate Golang project template ready to be pushed on GitHub using a single command
lit-bb-hack-tools Public
Little Bug Bounty & Hacking Tools⚔️
defangjs Public
URL / IP / Email defanging with Javascript. Make IoC harmless.
spark-ar-creators Public
List of 9500 (and counting) Spark AR Creators. Open an issue or contact me if you want to be added.❤️
Eproject Public
My first Django application
twitterBot Public
[NOT WORKING] 🤖 CLI Twitter Bot. It's made to reach more engagement based on your interests. See https://github.com/edoardottt/twitterbot2
SeekUp Public
Progetto Ingegneria del Software - Informatica, UniversitĂ Sapienza
1 UpdatedNov 10, 2024 -
Domus Public
Progetto finale IUM Interazione Uomo Macchina - Informatica, UniversitĂ Sapienza
UpdatedNov 10, 2024 -
fileDecrypter Public
Simple C file decrypter đź”’
cpu-usage Public
Simple cpu usage scripts with some programming languages
omegle-geolocalization Public
Localize strangers on Omegle. See Country, State, City, District, Latitude and Longitude.
READMENATOR Public template
Final README.md sample for all kind of projects [ readme, boilerplate, badges, template, github, material, design, opensource, badge, ui, beauty ]
COVID-19 Public
Info/Data (global/italy) about COVID-19. PR welcome for other countries.