A list of lists of awesome IIIF resources
Disclaimer: This list is created for informational purposes only and any links do not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the IIIF Consortium.
IIIF has developed several standards.
These servers support the IIIF Image API.
- iiif-image-server-node written in Coffeescript
- Loris written in Python
- IIPImage Server high performance image server
- riiif written in Ruby as a Rails engine
- SIPI IIIFv2 image server written in C++
- RAIS 100% open source tile server for JP2 images written in Go
- digilib image server written in Java
These shims allow you to use an image server that does not currently support IIIF. If you have not implemented an image server yet, this is probably not where you want to start.
- Djatoka Ruby gem convert IIIF URLs into the URLs that Djatoka requires.
- Shimmy is a Ruby gem designed to help you build shims for the IIIF Presentation API.
- ContentDM Image translator makes ContentDM images available through IIIF. Python.
- Universal Viewer is a rich embeddable interface
- OpenSeadragon has IIIF tile support
- Scalebar Plugin OpenSeadragon plugin for physical scale overlay
- Imaging Helper Plugin OpenSeadragon plugin with utility functions
- Leaflet-IIIF lightweight, extensible IIIF image viewer
- Mirador multi-up workspace
- Diva.js IIIF image viewer optimized for speed and flexibility
- Manifesto JavaScript library for both browser and server
- Manifesto (UV) IIIF Presentation API client and server utility library
- O'Sullivan Ruby API for creating IIIF manifests
- iiif-prezi Python library providing a reference implementation
- iiif-presentation-api Java library
These shims allow you to use systems with presentation metadata (e.g. structure or sequences) that do not currently support IIIF. If you have not implemented the Presentation API yet, this is probably not where you want to start.
- Shimmy is a Ruby gem designed to help you build shims for the IIIF Presentation API, and has samples for NYPL, Flickr, and the US National Archives.
- Chronicling America for newspapers digitized in the National Digital Newspaper Program
Tutorials for how to accomplish functionality in your applications.
- IIIF Image API live demo Learn about the structure of a IIIF URL through manipulating the parameters and seeing the results in a live demo.
- IIIF Quick Start Guide is a quick overview of how you might get started with implementing various IIIF standards.
- Drag and Drop a IIIF image into Mirador
- Fellow Travelers: The Canterbury Tales and IIIF by Benjamin Albritton includes an explanation of the use case for medieval scholars using Chaucer as an example and short section on how to make a page comparison demo in Mirador.
Slide decks with a focus on IIIF.
- OA - Shared Canvas - TEI - Biblissima project part of a workshop on TEI and neighboring standards including IIIF.
Links to help you discover IIIF resources that have been shared, demonstrations of IIIF discovery and useful discovery tools.
- iiif-universe is a repository that includes links to known IIIF presentation manifest collections.
- iNQUIRE demo is a demo of an open-source IIIF-compliant research and discovery platform. This is the IIIF-compliant version of the platform driving [Digital Bodleian] (http://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/)
- iNQUIRE source is the Github repository for iNQUIRE.
Sites which have implemented IIIF in some respect. Note what standards or other libraries are implemented.
- Historical State Search displays images via a IIIF image server.
- FromThePage ingests IIIF manifests and displays images for transcription using OpenSeaDragon.
- SAT Taishōzō Image DB by the SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee in the DH initiative, the University of Tokyo adopts the IIIF Image and Presentation APIs including over 4,000 annotations displayed on Mirador.
These are resources that are specifically useful for working with newspapers. Many of them are outputs of the IIIF Newspaper Interest Group.
- IIIF Newspapers Google Drive Folder has working documents of the Interest Group for meeting minutes, and working drafts of best practices, etc.
- Welsh Newspapers Online provides access to over 1 million newspaper pages using the IIIF Image API.
- Populating the Annotation Store with IIIF Annotation List which provides instructions on how to edit OCR text using annotations in Mirador.
- open-oni is a friendly fork of chronam which is a webapp for viewing National Digital Newspaper Program data from the Library of Congress.
- docker-open-oni is a Docker friendly setup for open-oni, which will set up and configure the Web application as well as the MySQL, Solr and RAIS Image Server.
- ndnp_iiif is a Python program for turning National Digital Newspaper Program data into static IIIF JSON that is ready for mounting on the Web.
- [http://puzzle.mikeapps.me/](Puzzles! Powered by IIIF)
To the extent possible under law, Jason Ronallo has waived all copyright and related neighboring rights to this work.