- Novi Sad, Serbia
Flexible tool to build planet-scale vector tilesets from OpenStreetMap data fast
🎧 Web page for listen combinations of sounds for relax, sleep, or getting more productive on tasks.
Convert lidar las datasets into Cesium pnts 3d-tiles.
A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
On-Demand Earth System Data Cubes (ESDCs) in Python
Long list of geospatial tools and resources
A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data
Lightweight RESTful Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go
GeoDa: An introduction to spatial data analysis
Tooling for adding new cities to https://how-old-is-this.house/en
Geospatial python toolkit: common functions, easy CLI creation, dataframes streams
Код, использовавшийся в вебинаре 04.08.2021 "NextGIS Web API: Управляем Веб ГИС через HTTP-запросы и программный код"
Automated modeling and machine learning framework FEDOT
WebGL point cloud viewer for large datasets
Thermal noise subtraction, scalloping correction, angular correction
Geographic feedback collector extension for NextGIS Web
Repository for QGIS Lines Ranking Plugin
A simple script for eliminating black corners from georeferenced images
❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. water — Actual Evapotranspiration with Energy Balance Models. Homepage: http://midraed.github.io/water Report bugs for this package: h…
Python code for Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration model
Shell code used to run Ames Stereo Pipelines (ASP) on a batch of ASTER L1A images
Sentinel Hub Cloud Detector for Sentinel-2 images in Python
Simple Spatial Gapfilling Processor. Toolbox for filling gaps in spatial datasets (e.g. remote sensing data)
A python Two Source Energy Balance model for estimation of evapotranspiration with remote sensing data
Python implementation of the VHM approach by Willems P.
An implementation of the rainfall-runoff model SMART in Python
Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox - Matlab code for 47 conceptual hydrologic models