sonar-maven-modules Public
Example of how to use JaCoCo to generate coverage report aggregated
attiny-projects Public
ATTiny13 and ATTiny85 projects for fun and learning.
dotfiles Public
My dotfiles for openbox and i3-gaps mainly, and other tools: polybar, tilt, terminal, etc)
Shell UpdatedDec 23, 2019 -
Sample application showing how to generate a report with header, footer and pagination using Flying Saucer.
Java UpdatedJun 16, 2016 -
rss2kindle.py Public
Python application to generate a kindle periodical from rss feeds.
webescola Public
Exemplo prático utilizado no treinamento de Demoiselle 2.0. Cada branch no repositório representa um assunto abordado durante o curso.
Java UpdatedJan 9, 2014 -
jsf2-jpa2-weld-jetty Public
Little java project with all we need to run jsf2 (primefaces), jpa2(hibernate) and cdi (weld) on Jetty servlet container.
jetty-jsf2-weld-maven Public
Simple java project using Weld (CDI) JSF 2.0 (Primefaces) and Jetty 8
Java UpdatedFeb 1, 2013 -
cdiapp Public
Projeto para testar os conceitos do CDI utilizando o framework demoiselle pra facilitar a vida.