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Chapter 8 - Classes

Classes give you a way to create instances of objects with common functionality. You create them using the class keyword. Here is an example of a class:

class Person {
	constructor(name) { = name

	sayName() {
    console.log("My name is",

	static askName() {
		console.log("What is your name?")

const paul = new Person("Paul")
Person.askName() // What is your name?
paul.sayName() // My name is Paul

Under the hood, classes mainly use concepts covered in the previous chapters. In fact, almost all the functionality classes provide can be implemented without them1. This was done for many years before classes were introduced in 2015. Nevertheless, classes make development a lot easier.

Classes are constructors

The first thing you need to know about classes is that they are constructors. To clarify, the class itself is a constructor. Meaning a class is a function with both a [[Call]] and [[Construct]] internal method. However, if you call a class using [[Call]], it will throw a TypeError. This means there is practically only one way to call classes, with [[Construct]].

new MyClass() // Internally calling [[Construct]], OK
MyClass() // Internally calling [[Call]], throws TypeError

The special constructor method

A class method called constructor will be considered special to classes. To understand it, it helps to remember what a class is. It’s a function. A function, of course, has code inside it. Turns out, the code inside a class comes from its constructor method. It sounds strange but bear with me.

Let’s create a class and a traditional function that do the same when called with new.

class MyClass {
  constructor() {

function MyFunc() {

new MyClass() // Hello!
new MyFunc() // Hello!

For the class, isn’t it a bit strange that we executed the console.log code by calling new MyClass() and didn’t have to call new MyClass.constructor()? After all, the console.log code exists inside a method inside the class. But this works because the code of the constructor method becomes the code of the class function itself.

A class and function side-by-side

⚠️ A class definition doesn’t actually produce a traditional function definition like shown above. Both definitions create their own internal function object. However, it’s safe to assume, for now, that they produce an identical function object. Meaning, you can use the above figure as a helpful mental model.

💡 It’s not required to define a constructor method. If you don’t, it’s the equivalent of defining an empty one (constructor(){}).

This doesn’t apply to derived classes which will be covered later.

Own properties

Certain properties will be own properties of objects created with classes. Meaning, the properties will exist on the instance. Not in its prototype chain or anywhere else.

Classes have two ways to give their instances own properties:

  • Instance properties
  • Field declarations

Instance properties

Instance properties are defined inside the special constructor class method we covered above. You define them by assigning properties to this.

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name

const paul = new Person("Paul")
console.log(paul) // { name: "Paul" }

Above, we have a class called Person that has a constructor method that assigns a value to When we invoke [[Construct]] on the class (using new), we get an object with our instance property, name.

We can mimic this with a traditional function:

function Person(name) { = name

const paul = new Person("Paul")
console.log(paul) // { name: "Paul" }

Field declarations

Field declarations are another way to define own properties on class instances. They are defined in the body of a class (outside any method).

class Cat {
  livesLeft = 9

const garfield = new Cat()
console.log(garfield) // { livesLeft: 9 }


💡 This covers non-static methods.

Defining a method on a class will actually define it on the class's .prototype property. Remember, a class is a constructor, and the .prototype property is special to constructors. The prototype of instances created with a constructor will come from the constructors .prototype property. To illustrate this, let’s create two instances from a class with a sayName method.

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name
  sayName() {
    console.log("My name is",

const paul = new Person("Paul")
const owen = new Person("Owen")

paul.sayName() // My name is Paul
owen.sayName() // My name is Owen

At first glance, it seems like paul and owen each have their own sayName method. But in reality, they both share the exact same method.

console.log(paul.sayName === owen.sayName) // true

This is because they both inherited the method from their prototype. Since paul and owen were created as instances of a constructor, their prototype comes from the constructor’s .prototype property. In this case, the constructor is Person.

const paulProto = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(paul)
const owenProto = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(owen)
console.log(paulProto === Person.prototype) // true
console.log(owenProto === Person.prototype) // true

Below is an illustration of how paul and owen access the sayName method.

Paul and Owen accessing sayName through Person.prototype

Static members

Static members, that is, static field declarations and methods, exist as own properties of the class itself. They do not appear in the prototype chain of instances, and they can only be accessed directly on the class.

class Person {
  static totalPeople = 0
  static incrementPeople() {
    Person.totalPeople += 1

console.log(Person.totalPeople) // 1

Above, we have a class with two static members, totalPeople and incrementPeople. We access these members directly on Person.

Derived classes

Classes can inherit functionality from other classes using the extends keyword. A class that “extends” another class is called a derived class. Setting up this inheritance will add another link in the prototype chain of class instances. Specifically, the object stored on the .prototype property of a derived class will have a prototype pointing to the .prototype property of the parent class.

To explore this, let’s create a derived class called Cat that derives from Animal. We can then create an instance called cat and examine its prototype chain.

class Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}

const cat = new Cat()

Cat deriving from Animal

As we can see, the prototype of Cat.prototype is Animal.prototype. This means that properties defined on Animal.prototype are available to our instance cat through prototype chain inheritance. We can see this by defining a sayHi method on Animal.

class Animal {
  sayHi() {
    console.log("Hi! I'm an animal")

class Cat extends Animal {}

const cat = new Cat()

cat.sayHi() // Hi! I'm an animal

Above, we can see that sayHi is available to our cat instance. It’s inherited from Animal.prototype.

console.log(cat.sayHi === Animal.prototype.sayHi) // true

Super keyword

The super keyword allows a derived class to interact with its parent.

this of a super call

Calling super inside the constructor method of a derived class calls [[Construct]] on the parent class. When this happens, the this inside both functions is the same object. This can be seen in the below demonstration.

let this1
let this2

class Parent {
  constructor() {
    this1 = this

class Derived extends Parent {
  constructor() {
    this2 = this

new Derived()
console.log(this1 === this2) // true

This means that any assignment to this inside the parent class' constructor method also happens to this inside the derived class’ constructor method. We can see this below where we define a message on this.hello inside the parent class Parent. The message is then available on the this inside Derived after we call super.

class Parent {
  constructor() {
    this.hello = "Hello from Parent"

class Derived extends Parent {
  constructor() {
    console.log(this.hello) // Hello from Parent

new Derived()

⚠️ Any use of this before calling super inside a derived class will result in a ReferenceError.

Arguments of a super call

The arguments to a super call become the arguments used when [[Construct]] is called on the parent class.

class Calculator {
  constructor(num1, num2) {
    this.result = num1 + num2

class Derived extends Calculator {
  constructor() {
    super(2, 6)
    console.log(this.result) // 8

new Derived()

💡 If you don’t define a constructor method inside a derived class, it’s the equivalent of defining one that calls super with all its own arguments (constructor(...args) { super(...args) }).

Accessing a property on super

Accessing a property on super will go up the prototype chain, starting with the classes parent. This makes it useful if a method with the same name is defined in both a derived and parent class. We can see this below where we access method on both this and super with different results.

class Parent {
  method() {
    console.log("You accessed Parent")

class Derived extends Parent {
  constructor() {
    this.method()  // You accessed Derived
    super.method() // You accessed Parent
  method() {
    console.log("You accessed Derived")

new Derived()

Private members

Private members are exclusive to classes. They allow you to define properties and methods which are inaccessible outside their class. A private class member is prefixed with a hashtag (#).

💡 Private members won’t become part of the class's prototype chain inheritance. Meaning, they can’t be inherited by derived classes.

Private field

class Person {
  #age = 0
  constructor(age) {
    this.#age = age

const person = new Person(30);
person.#age // syntaxError

As we can see, #age is not accessible outside the class.

💡 Private properties have to be declared as fields. Meaning, they have to be declared in the body of the class (outside any method). This is unlike public properties, which can be declared directly on this without first being declared as a field.

Private method

Like private fields, it’s also possible to define private methods.

class Person {
  #age = 0
  constructor(age) {
    this.#age = age
  #canVote() {
    return this.#age >= 18

const person = new Person(30)
person.#canVote() // syntaxError

Private static members

It’s also possible to define private static members. These fields and methods, while static, are only accessible inside the scope of the class they are defined within.

class Person {
  constructor() {
  static #totalPeople = 0
  static #incrementPeople() {
    Person.#totalPeople += 1

Person.#incrementPeople() // SyntaxError
Person.#totalPeople // SyntaxError


  1. .Almost is an important keyword here. This great StackOverflow answer provides an in-depth explanation regarding whether classes are just syntactic sugar The answer, no.