An e-book entirely about JavaScript objects
Total length: 70 A4 pages.
- Chapter 0 - Introduction
- Chapter 1 - Getting Our Data Structures Straight
- Chapter 2 - Object Basics
- Chapter 3 - Property Descriptors and Object Restrictions
- Chapter 4 - Internal Object Behavior
- Chapter 5 - Prototypes
- Chapter 6 - this
- Chapter 7 - Constructors
- Chapter 8 - Classes
- Appendix A - Well-known Symbols
- Appendix B - Strict Mode
- Appendix C - receiver argument for traps
If you're looking for other resources on JavaScript, here's what I recommend:
- - A broad resource for beginners.
- You Don't know JS - A book series covering subjects in depth for beginners.
- - Books and blog posts for both beginners and specification enthusiasts.
- Understanding ECMAScript 6 - A book written when ES6 came out describing its features.
- The ECMAScript specification - Described in Chapter 0.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. All images were created by me. Feel free to steal them (same goes for everything else of course).