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edX Devstack Build Status

Get up and running quickly with edX services.

If you are seeking info on the Vagrant-based devstack, please see This project is meant to replace the traditional Vagrant-based devstack with a multi-container approach driven by Docker Compose. It is still in the alpha/beta testing phase. Support for this project is limited at the moment, so it may take a while to respond to issues.

You should run any Make targets described below on your local machine, not from within a VM.


This project requires Docker 17.06+ CE. We recommend Docker Stable, but Docker Edge should work as well.

Note: Switching between Docker Stable and Docker Edge will remove all images and settings. Don't forget to restore your memory setting and be prepared to provision.

For macOS users, please use Docker for Mac. Previous Mac-based tools (e.g. boot2docker) are not supported.

Docker for Windows may work but has not been tested and is not supported.

Getting Started

All of the services can be run by following the steps below. Note that since we are running many containers, you should configure Docker with a sufficient amount of resources. Our testing found that configuring Docker for Mac with a minimum of 2 CPUs and 4GB of memory works well.

  1. The Docker Compose file mounts a host volume for each service's executing code. The host directory is defaults to be a sibling of this directory. For example, if this repo is cloned to ~/workspace/devstack, host volumes will be expected in ~/workspace/course-discovery, ~/workspace/ecommerce, etc. These repos can be cloned with the command below.

    make dev.clone

    You may customize where the local repositories are found by setting the DEVSTACK_WORKSPACE environment variable.

  2. Run the provision command, if you haven't already, to configure the various services with superusers (for development without the auth service) and tenants (for multi-tenancy).

    Note When running the provision command databases for ecommerce and edxapp will be dropped and recreated.

    The username and password for the superusers are both "edx". You can access the services directly via Django admin at the /admin/ path, or login via single sign-on at /login/.


    make dev.provision

    Provision using docker-sync.

    make dev.sync.provision
  3. Start the services. This command will mount the repositories under the DEVSTACK_WORKSPACE directory.

    Note: it may take up to 60 seconds for the LMS to start


    make dev.up

    Start using docker-sync.

    make dev.sync.up

After the services have started, if you need shell access to one of the services, run make <service>-shell. For example to access the Catalog/Course Discovery Service, you can run:

make discovery-shell

To see logs from containers running in detached mode, you can either use "Kitematic" (available from the "Docker for Mac" menu), or by running the following:

make logs

To view the logs of a specific service container run make <service>-logs. For example to access the logs for Ecommerce, you can run:

make ecommerce-logs

To reset your environment and start provisioning from scratch, you can run:

make destroy

Usernames and Passwords

The provisioning script creates a Django superuser for every service.

Email: [email protected]
Username: edx
Password: edx

The LMS also includes demo accounts. The passwords for each of these accounts is edx.

Username Email
audit [email protected]
honor [email protected]
staff [email protected]
verified [email protected]

Service URLs

Each service is accessible at localhost on a specific port. The table below provides links to the homepage of each service. Since some services are not meant to be user-facing, the "homepage" may be the API root.

Service URL
Credentials http://localhost:18150/api/v2/
Catalog/Discovery http://localhost:18381/api-docs/
E-Commerce/Otto http://localhost:18130/dashboard/
LMS http://localhost:18000/
Studio/CMS http://localhost:18010/

Useful Commands

Sometimes you may need to restart a particular application server. To do so, simply use the docker-compose restart command:

docker-compose restart <service>

<service> should be replaced with one of the following:

  • credentials
  • discovery
  • ecommerce
  • lms
  • studio

Marketing Site

Docker Compose files useful for integrating with the marketing site are available. This will NOT be useful to those outside of edX. For details on getting things up and running, see

How do I build images?

We are still working on automated image builds, but generally try to push new images every 3-7 days. If you want to build the images on your own, the Dockerfiles are available in the edx/configuration repo.


  1. discovery and edxapp use the latest tag since their configuration changes have been merged to master branch of edx/configuration.
  2. We are experimenting with hosting a Dockerfile in the edx/credentials repository, hence the devstack-slim tag. See that repo for more information on building its image.
  3. All other services use the devstack tag and are build from the clintonb/docker-devstack-idas branch of edx/configuration.
git checkout master
git pull
docker build -f docker/build/edxapp/Dockerfile . -t edxops/edxapp:latest
git checkout clintonb/docker-devstack-idas
git pull
docker build -f docker/build/ecommerce/Dockerfile . -t edxops/ecommerce:devstack

The build commands above will use your local configuration, but pull application code from the master branch of the application's repository. If you would like to use code from another branch/tag/hash, modify the *_VERSION variable that lives in the ansible_overrides.yml file beside the Dockerfile.

For example, if you wanted to build tag release-2017-03-03 for the E-Commerce Service, you would modify ECOMMERCE_VERSION in docker/build/ecommerce/ansible_overrides.yml.

How do I create database dumps?

We use database dumps to speed up provisioning and generally spend less time running migrations. These dumps should be updated occasionally--when database migrations take a prolonged amount of time, or we want to incorporate changes that require manual intervention. The process below details how to update the database dumps.

  1. Destroy and/or backup the data for your existing devstack so that you start with a clean slate.
  2. Disable the loading of the existing database dumps during provisioning by commenting out any calls to in the provisioning scripts. This ensures that we start with a completely fresh database and incorporate any changes that may have require some form of manual intervention for existing installations (e.g. drop/move tables).
  3. Provision devstack with make provision.
  4. Dump the databases and open a pull request with your updates:
./ ecommerce
./ edxapp
./ edxapp_csmh

How do I keep my database up to date?

You can run Django migrations as normal to apply any changes recently made to the database schema for a particular service. For example, to run migrations for LMS, enter a shell via make lms-shell and then run:

paver update_db

Alternatively, you can discard and rebuild the entire database for all devstack services by re-running make dev.provision or make dev.sync.provision as appropriate for your configuration. Note that if your branch has fallen significantly behind master, it may not include all of the migrations included in the database dump used by provisioning. In cases like this it's usually best to first rebase the branch onto master to get the missing migrations.

How do I upgrade Node.JS packages?

JavaScript packages for Node.js are installed into the node_modules directory of the local git repository checkout which is synced into the corresponding Docker container. Hence these can be upgraded via any of the usual methods for that service (npm install, paver install_node_prereqs, etc.), and the changes will persist between container restarts.

How do I upgrade Python packages?

Unlike the node_modules directory, the virtualenv used to run Python code in a Docker container only exists inside that container. Changes made to a container's filesystem are not saved when the container exits, so if you manually install or upgrade Python packages in a container (via pip install, paver install_python_prereqs, etc.), they will no longer be present if you restart the container. (Devstack Docker containers lose changes made to the filesystem when you reboot your computer, run make down, restart or upgrade Docker itself, etc.) If you want to ensure that your new or upgraded packages are present in the container every time it starts, you have a few options:

  • Merge your updated requirements files and wait for a new edxops Docker image for that service to be built and uploaded to Docker Hub. You can then download and use the updated image (for example, via make pull). These images are currently built as needed by edX employees, but will soon be built automatically on a regular basis.
  • You can update your requirements files as appropriate and then build your own updated image for the service as described above, tagging it such that docker-compose will use it instead of the last image you downloaded. (Alternatively, you can temporarily edit docker-compose.yml to replace the image entry for that service with the ID of your new image.)
  • You can temporarily modify the main service command in docker-compose.yml to first install your new package(s) each time the container is started. For example, the part of the studio command which reads ...&& while true; do... could be changed to ...&& pip install my-new-package && while true; do....

Switching branches

You can usually switch branches on a service's repository without adverse effects on a running container for it. The service in each container is using runserver and should automatically reload when any changes are made to the code on disk. However, note the points made above regarding database migrations and package updates.

When switching to a branch which differs greatly from the one you've been working on (especially if the new branch is more recent), you may wish to halt the existing containers via make down, pull the latest Docker images via make pull, and then re-run make dev.provision or make dev.sync.provision in order to recreate up-to-date databases, static assets, etc.

If making a patch to a named release, you should pull and use Docker images which were tagged for that release.

PyCharm Integration

See the Pycharm Integration documentation.

Running LMS and Studio Tests

After entering a shell for the appropriate service via make lms-shell or make studio-shell, you can run any of the usual paver commands from the edx-platform testing documentation. Examples:

paver run_quality
paver test_a11y
paver test_bokchoy
paver test_js
paver test_lib
paver test_python

If you want to instead run tests via, you need to pass the test_docker settings flag instead of the test settings used in Vagrant. Example:

DISABLE_MIGRATIONS=1 ./ lms test --settings=test_docker openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api

You can also add the test_docker settings flag to the other examples detailed in the testing documentation.

Troubleshooting: General Tips

If you are having trouble with your containers there are a few general steps you can take to try to resolve.

Check the logs

If a container stops unexpectedly, you can look at its logs for clues:

docker-compose logs lms

Update the code and images

Make sure you have the latest code and Docker images.

Pull the latest Docker images by running the following command from the devstack directory:

make pull

Pull the latest Docker Compose configuration and provisioning scripts by running the following command from the devstack directory:

git pull

Lastly, the images are built from the master branches of the application repositories (e.g. edx-platform, ecommerce, etc.). Make sure you are using the latest code from the master branches, or have rebased your branches on master.

Clean the containers

Sometimes containers end up in strange states and need to be rebuilt. Run make down to remove all containers and networks. This will NOT remove your data volumes.

Start over

If you want to completely start over, run make destroy. This will remove all containers, networks, AND data volumes.

Troubleshooting: Common issues

File ownership change

If you notice that the ownership of some (maybe all) files have changed and you need to enter your root password when editing a file, that could be because you have pulled changes the remote repository from within a container. While running git pull git changes the owner of the files that you pull to the user that runs that command, and within a container that is the root user, hence git operations should be ran outside of the container. To fix this change the owner back to yourself outside of the container by running:

$ sudo chown <user>:<group> -R .

Running LMS commands within a container

Most of the paver commands require a settings flag, which if omitted defaults to devstack which is the settings flag for vagrant-based devstack instances. Therefor if you run into issues running those command in a docker container you should append the devstack_docker flag. For example:

$ paver update_assets --settings=devstack_docker

Resource busy or locked

While running make static within the ecommerce container you could get an error saying:

Error: Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir '/edx/app/ecommerce/ecommerce/ecommerce/static/build/'

To fix this, remove the directory manually outside of the container and run the command again.

No space left on device

If you see the error "no space left on device" on a Mac, it means Docker has run out of space in its Docker.qcow2 file.

Here is an example error while running make pull:

32d52c166025: Extracting [==================================================>] 1.598 GB/1.598 GB
ERROR: failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/.git/objects/pack/pack-4ff9873be2ca8ab77d4b0b302249676a37b3cd4b.pack: no space left on device
make: *** [pull] Error 1

You can clean up data by running docker system prune, but you will first want to run make dev.up so it doesn't delete stopped containers.

Or, you can run the following commands to clean up dangling images and volumes:

docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)


Improve Mac OSX Performance with docker-sync

Docker for Mac has known filesystem issues that significantly decrease performance, paticularly for starting edx-platform (e.g. when you want to run a test). To improve performance Docker Sync can be used to synchronize file data from the host machine to the containers.

If you are using macOS, please follow the Docker Sync installation instructions before provisioning.

Cached Consistency Mode

The performance improvements provided by cached consistency mode for volume mounts introduced in Docker CE Edge 17.04 are still not good enough. It's possible that the "delegated" consistency mode will be enough to no longer need docker-sync, but this feature hasn't been fully implemented yet (as of Docker 17.06.0-ce, "delegated" behaves the same as "cached"). There is a GitHub issue which explains the current status of implementing delegated consistency mode.


Get up and running quickly to develop or extend Open edX services



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  • Python 47.0%
  • Shell 36.7%
  • Makefile 16.0%
  • JavaScript 0.3%