A Makefile for EECS 281 projects that supports compilation, submission
tarball creation, sync to CAEN Linux, and more. This file is parameterized
and requires a student uniqname, and a project identifier and the name of the
executable produced (as provided from a project spec). Optional parameters
allow the specification of the filename where main()
can be found, and the
custom naming of the directory where files can be synchronized on CAEN for
Since the primary usage of Makefile
by students is during the development
cycle, the first or default make
target is debug
, so the following
commands are equivalent, and both create a file named <executable>_debug
$ make
...creates <executable>_debug
$ make debug
...creates <executable>_debug
Also included in this project is server-Makefile
, a parameterized version
of the Makefile used by the EECS 281 autograder (AG). This provides two
targets that are used when grading student submissions:
: A speed optimized build that is used for correctness, timing, and memory usage grading; creates a file named<executable>
, as defined in the Makefiledebug
: A similar build that also includes the maximum amount of debug symbols for use by valgrind on the AG, if the release build terminates abnormally; creates a file named<executable>_debug
, as defined in the Makefile
See this video for information on how to use the Makefile.
Download into the directory containing your project source code.
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eecs281staff/Makefile/main/Makefile
Downloads `Makefile` to your current directory, overwriting any existing file...
Edit these lines in the Makefile. Your values might be different, check the project spec for required file names.
UNIQNAME = not_awdeorio
# ...
IDENTIFIER = copy_me_from_project_spec
# ...
# ...
PROJECTFILE = main.cpp
Shortcut: You can skip updating PROJECTFILE
if your main()
function is in one of these filenames: main.cpp
, project0.cpp
, project1.cpp
, project2.cpp
, project3.cpp
, project4.cpp
, or <EXECUTABLE>.cpp
If your project has additional dependencies, update the dependencies section at the bottom of the Makefile
You should be able to compile and run your main file.
$ make
$ ./main_debug
hello world!
$ make help
EECS281 Advanced Makefile Help