layout_keeper Public
Generate layout for windows
obsidian-tracker Public archive
Forked from pyrochlore/obsidian-trackerA plugin tracks occurrences and numbers in your notes
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2022 -
tripadvisor-crawler Public
Tripadvisor crawler to generate kml with images
LeetCode-Solutions Public
Forked from kamyu104/LeetCode-Solutions🏋️ Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 2473 LeetCode Problems (Weekly Update)
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 18, 2022 -
haproxy-vagrant Public
The primary purpose of this project is to demonstrate HAProxy features.
Shell UpdatedSep 27, 2022 -
theorytest.ie Public
Irish Theoretical Driving Test Appointment Finder
trello_to_joplin Public
Copy all cards from a Trello board to the Joplin
i3buntu Public
Forked from mstaal/i3buntuI3wm + Ubuntu 20.04 server without any less usefull packages
awesome-python Public
Forked from vinta/awesome-pythonA curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Python Other UpdatedAug 2, 2019 -
continuous-intelligence-workshop Public
Forked from ThoughtWorksInc/cd4ml-workshopRepository with sample code and instructions for "Continuous Intelligence" and "Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning: CD4ML" workshops
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2019 -
satl Public
Just another file-based database to store documents and files writen with python
iran-calendar-events Public
Forked from alirezaomidi/iran-calendar-eventsGet Events of an specific date from time.ir (Iran's Calendar)
djange Public
Djange is just another skeleton to create django projects
pyArango Public
Forked from ArangoDB-Community/pyArangoPython Driver for ArangoDB with built-in validation
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2017 -
arangoknife Public
Tools to work with arango with python more simpler, this module work with pyarango
Python UpdatedMay 9, 2017 -
word2vec Public
Forked from danielfrg/word2vecPython interface to Google word2vec
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 22, 2016 -
kubernetes-aws-scripts Public
Forked from whereisaaron/kubernetes-aws-scriptsVarious scripts that might be useful for people using Kubernetes and Docker on AWS
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 5, 2016 -
instabot.py Public
Forked from jaguar754/instabot.pyInstagram bot. It works without instagram api, need only login and password. Write on python.
cinephile Public
Forked from navinsylvester/cinephileSync local Movie Database with IMDB
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2014