This project is a simple multithreaded HTTP server built using C++. The server is capable of handling basic HTTP requests, such as serving files, echoing messages, and responding to user-agent queries.
- GET Request Handling: Serve files from a specified directory.
- POST Request Handling: Save files sent via POST requests to the server.
- /echo/: Echoes the message sent after /echo/ in the URL.
- User-Agent Logging: Responds with the user-agent information of the client.
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── build/
├── src/
├── vcpkg-configuration.json
├── vcpkg.json
- CMakeLists.txt: Contains the CMake configuration for building the project.
- This file, which describes the project.
- build/: Directory where the compiled binaries will be placed.
- src/: Contains the source code of the HTTP server.
- vcpkg-configuration.json: Configuration file for vcpkg dependencies.
- vcpkg.json: Manifest file for managing dependencies with vcpkg.
- A shell script for running or setting up the program.
The project uses the following libraries:
- pthread: For creating and managing threads.
- arpa/inet.h, netdb.h, sys/socket.h, sys/types.h, unistd.h: For networking. To install dependencies via vcpkg, run the following command:
vcpkg install [dependency-list]
Make sure to use the vcpkg configuration provided in vcpkg-configuration.json.
To build the project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd http-server
Build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The binaries will be generated in the build/ directory.
After building the project, you can run the server with the following command:
./http-server --directory <path_to_serve_files_from>
For example:
./http-server --directory /path/to/files
This will start the server on port 4221. The server will listen for incoming connections and serve files from the specified directory.
After building the project, you can run the server with the following command:
./http-server --directory <path_to_serve_files_from>
For example:
./http-server --directory /path/to/files
This will start the server on port 4221. The server will listen for incoming connections and serve files from the specified directory.
To retrieve a file, you can send a GET request:
curl http://localhost:4221/files/<filename>
If the file exists, the server will respond with a 200 OK status and the file content.
To upload a file using a POST request:
curl -X POST -d "file content" http://localhost:4221/files/<filename>
The server will save the file and respond with a 201 Created status.
To echo a message:
curl http://localhost:4221/echo/hello
The server will respond with the message hello.
The server logs various activities, including incoming messages, file retrievals, and POST requests. Logs are printed directly to the console.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. MIT