This repo contains notes from Chris Biscardi's Egghead Collection Building a Serverless JAMStack Todo app with Netlify, Gatsby, GraphQL, and FaunaDB.
These notes contain the same structure as the transcriptions, along with additional rewrites, links to resources, and personal takes on the lesson. Feel free to submit additions to these notes, but please don't remove anything (unless we messed up or misunderstood something).
Generally, there is one document for each lesson in the course. If there are related lessons, the notes will be in the same document.
The goal of this collection is to create a Jamstack application, including:
- a client application written with
- authentication with
Identity - a
server onnetlify
Functions - and a serverless, cloud-based database called
02. Initialize a new Gatsby project with a gitignore in yarn workspaces
03. Setting up continuous deployment for a Gatsby site in yarn workspaces using Netlify
04. Taking advantage of theme-ui to build a landing page on a Gatsby project without plugins
05. Implementing Authentication with Netlify Identity, React hooks, and Gatsby
06. Using Netlify Identity to control access to a Gatsby client-side dashboard route
07. Fixing the Netlify Identity Widget when it prevents clicks after login
08. Using theme-ui and React useReducer to implement a todo application
09. Deploying a GraphQL API on Netlify serverless functions with apollo-server-lambda
10. Implementing the types and resolvers for a serverless GraphQL Todo API
11. Connecting a Todo app to a serverless GraphQL API using Apollo Client and solving CORS
12. Using Netlify Identity to authenticate a user in a GraphQL API using apollo links
13. Backing a Serverless GraphQL API on Netlify with FaunaDB for data storage
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Eva 👀🖋 |